Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Tonight we have the first part of a two part series finale for Doctor Who.
The revival of Doctor Who, with its modern production values and great stories has been one of the great TV successes of recent years. The other two shows in the franchise, the darker Torchwood and the children's Sarah jane Chronicles, have also been a great success. This is the BBC at its best. Often I get utterly peed off by the BBC and its inbuilt political correctness and left wing bias but sometimes, I have to admit, it does come up with the goods....
So - who will the Pandorica be?
The most feared being in the Cosmos....
Might it be a human baby?
Or could it be The Doctor himself?
Over the next two weeks we will find out the answer to the biggest tv cliffhanger since JR got shot.
Guest 666- Registered: 25 Mar 2008
- Posts: 323
Great stuff, maybe a SF fest in Dover would attract the masses?
Personally I wish they could bring back the late J.Pertwee to the role, he was my favourite 'Doc.
Will be watching...
Oh Boy!, That'll be the day.........
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i never watch it so cannot comment, but i saw this week that stephen fry whilst berating the juvenile standard of british television, singled out doctor who as one of the worst examples.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Thats Stephen fry for you - an errant snob.
Dr Who is the very best of British TV.
Steven Fry is a mentally mixed up **** who is usually to be found stuck up his own self important ass. I've got no time for the bloke who also hosts the most boring self aggrandisement vehicle on tv, IQ.
Doctor Who is an outstanding success and somehow manages to cross the divide between childrens tv and adult tv (the latest female assistant making the show more than worth watching). The Doctor has been a true Time Lord, whose popularity has spanned generations and hopefully will continue to do so.
As for favourite Doctor, well I thought Patrick Troughton was the best, followed by Tom Baker. Both demostrating a superb offbeat eccentricity, marvellous. The latest Doctor however, may become the best of all as he adds a dimension we haven't seen before to the personality.
Top tv!!! Long may it continue.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
with regard to qi saw it once never again.
fry was brilliant back in the days of his double act with hugh laurie.
Guest 644- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,214
Stephen Fry stated that Doctor Who is a children's programme. In a sense he is right as children do watch it and their parents buy them the toys, but it is not exclusively a children's programme. It is, and always has been, a family programme - a big difference. Some stories are more childish than others, but by and large there is something for everyone each year, and the whole family can watch it all together. The likes of The Empty Child, Blink, The Family of Blood and The Satan Pit were certainly not aimed at a juvenile mentality.
It's quite ironic that Fry was penning a script for Doctor Who himself a couple of years back - funny how he didn't mention it! Clearly he has not considered Ashes to Ashes, Wallander or Being Human when he made the thrust of his article.
From it's 2005 regeneration (pardon the pun) it has put family drama viewing in a tea time slot back on the map. Some worked better than others - Primeval, Merlin, Robin Hood and (the admittedly dire) Demons would never have existed without it. It wasn't that many years ago and all we had was Noel Edmonds with that pink Blobby thing as the centre point of family Saturday viewing. Hurrah for the good Doctor!
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
sadly noel edmonds is still around and polluting channel 4.
Brian Dixon![Brian Dixon](/assets/images/users/avatars/681.jpg)
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
howard,is mr blobby still with him.
Guest 675- Registered: 30 Jun 2008
- Posts: 1,610
Well a cliffhanger that leaves the hero sealed away for eternity, his companions shot and blown-up and the whole universe going super-nova certainly has to tempt you to watch the finale.
It is nice to see drama filling the early Saturday slot rather than the truly mindless so-called reality programmes.
Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.
Richard Armour
i love doctor who but do miss David Tennant
Guest 675- Registered: 30 Jun 2008
- Posts: 1,610
For some of us 'Amy Pond' more than makes up for it.
Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.
Richard Armour
Oh i knew u would say that chris
That was certainly a fantastic episode. I also like the slight parodies towards the government in this series. Not sure if anyone has picked this up or whether I have read something deepper into it.
In one episode (the one with the space whale) the story was tied in with issues of animal cruelty but also tied in with the police state and the fact everyone voted the same at every election prefering to forget the past and stay with the status quo (their memories were wiped). Considering this was quite close to the election I thought it was saying that for once everyone should not vote the same as they always have if they want change. It was also referring a lot to the police state which many say we may have due to CCTV etc these days. Of course though we mustn't forget Dr Who is merely entertainment although will have undertones of the real world underneath.
Yesterdays episode could have well been another government parady perhaps. How often have "cybermen", "Daleks", "sontarans", "Slitheen" etc come together in an 'alliance' or perhaps a 'coalition'? Not very often. Now I know this was probably written months before the elections but isn't interesting the Doctor is surpised of their alliance - now how many were surprised at two political parties working together from different sides of the coin after the recent general election? So there maybe some parady in there. Will the coalition between those mentioned above though work - we will find out in next weeks episode (no I'm not talking about next weeks episode of the Clegg and Cameron show - Dr Who of course!)
Yes very sad if they kill Amy Pond off, she will certainly from my point of view be much missed, however I have a sneakly feeling she won't be killed off.
Can't wait till next week....what are we going to do with our Saturday nights when it ends for this series?
Chris, spot on mate!
Dr Who is the greatest tv show around the story lines are getting better and better , i am worse than the kids and carnt wait for the final episode. Ps i think it is all a dream the coalition of all the aliens will be more dangerous than our present goverment .
Guest 675- Registered: 30 Jun 2008
- Posts: 1,610
A sad week for SF programmes as not only does Doctor Who finish, so to does V and Flash Forward ended last week. Can we hope there will be something in the summer schedule to distract from an endless diet of celebrity sing-a-long while you dance, cook and try to revive a lost career?
Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.
Richard Armour
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Agreed Chris. I have not seen V - I dont have satellite. But both the other two have been a real treat. I do have the old orginal 80's version of V on DVD and have watched that recently, its good though the 1980's special effects creak a bit by today's standards.
Brian Dixon![Brian Dixon](/assets/images/users/avatars/681.jpg)
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
i watched v the first time round on normal tv.good then but dislike reruns.
Guest 675- Registered: 30 Jun 2008
- Posts: 1,610
No Brian this one is a complete remake with tighter scripts and much better special effects. It would be like comparing the two versions of Battlestar Galactica, the only common factor is the names and general scenario. Also much better than the remake of the Prisoner, which I still indulge in the odd episode of.
If you want really creaky effects Barry, I just got to see the Kirk Alleyn 1948 Superman series.
Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.
Richard Armour