Yes its true but you can hardly beleive it. This humble quiet life drink, once the tipple of Ministers, Priests, Reverends and yes even Nuns..god help us! has found its way onto the youth market by some strange quirk of faith, or should that be fate!
It seems each bottle is packed to the rafters with caffeine, 281mg per bottle, as well as alcohol, and golly gumdrops does it send your brain into a total oblivion type spin...or so the rumour suggests! Sadly Im not talking from experience here but will have to try and put that right and find out for myself. But of course....all in the interests of research you understand.
The Scots have the worst drink problems in Europe, well I mean all them grey and brown oul buildings in Edinburgh are enough the depress even high who can blame them.
But Buckfast Wine has the eminence of respectability written all over its image. Its brewed by monks after all, down there at Buckfast Abbey, who it is rumoured like a little drop with their even song, so much so that it has become known as their very uneven song! No Im just kidding with that last bit.
But seriously though it seems that Buckfast was related to over 5,000 crimes in Scotland between 2006-2009. The well kept secret is out. The drink of the devil himself clearly. Religion gets blamed for lots of things but this is a new one.