The inclusion of the wives in this Election Campaign has proved to be very popular it seems....well ...according to the Daily Mail they have had much more coverage than the actual female politicians themselves. This can only be because the public are interested in them bigtime, and will they sway the voters, yes indeed they might.
Since April 6
Token Tory wife Samantha Cameron has had 155 mentions in the newspapers whereas the leading female politician from the same party Therese May, she of the infamous "we are the nasty party!" quote, has only had 39 mentions in the same period.
Leading Labour wife Sarah Browne has had, in the same period, 153 mentions, so the coverage is neck and neck and giving all the indications that the wives will be in a hung situation too. The leading Labour politician of the female gender is none other than the ubiquitous Harriet Harman who has had 87 mentions in daily despatches.
Luscious Liberal wife doesnt feature as she has a job, a proper job.
So whereas politicians of any persuasion and of any gender are ten a penny..wives are a rare commodity and highly sought after.