Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
Polly Toynbee is not a bad oul stick, Labour needs its writers as there are so few of the breed spouting anything remotely left wing in the national newspapers . This is an interesting piece, very well written of course, with just a tad of the humouresly suicidal. Yes its sad to see Polly Toynbee wash her hands of Gordon Brown. But poor Gordon does stumble through though from one self inflicted disaster to the next. He tries populist moves like the YOU TUBE expenses thing...then the Gurkha thing and each time he falls on his sword scoring spectacular own goals. A PR disaster of prime significance was Joanna Lumley splashed all over the news programmes and the newspapers, posing with both David Cameron and Nick Clegg, the leaders of the other parties...while Gordon slumped off through the lonely corridors of power with egg on his face.
I dont know whats gone wrong at no 10. This present bunch of advisers mustnt be anything like as good as they were in the Tony Blair era. We never had Mr Blair committing hari-kari so badly and so often.
Not only has Polly Toynbee waded in, which is very bad in itself, but so too have former Labour Ministers Blunkett and Clarke. There's nothing quite like kicking a chap when he's down.
Its hard to see labour coming back from here to win.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
One problem Brown has PaulB is that he will not listen to advice or when he does it is invariably bad advice provided by close accolytes.
Insider accounts say he ignored advice over tax on pensions, gold sales, various aspects of the pension reforms in 2006 and the 10p tax fiasco. In each case he has ended up making huge and damaging errors. It is said that his present main adviser is Ed Balls.... that may explain a lot.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
I always thought for the past 3 general elections that labour would come close to, or be defeated but all 3 times they have continued to be voted in.
The tories rightly are now targetting our gordon and no matter all the good things he has done thats not newsworthy.
The national media will only want to pick up on the negatives, it happened to maggie, and major and ian duncan smith and others.
Whats most important in all this debate is not that labour are having problems getting its mnessage across, but more that people dont trust the conservatives so are likely to just not vote.
I spent many years trying to turn people away from apathy, and have an interest in politics as it affects your every day life, but the recent fiasco's on all the parties expenses etc has done a lot of damage and no party has yet got it right.
The vote was hard fought for, but is being given up so easily, because there is a mistrust of politicians of all political persuasions and thats very very sad
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Keith, Brown did one good thing, he kept us out of the Euro. Apart from that I cannot think of a single success he has had. Everything he has touched has gone wrong, largely because it was wrong headed in the first place.
I used to think he was right to give the Bank of England independence and would credit him that, but no I now know I was wrong to do so. In changing this he brought in the tri-partied regulatory system that was largely responsible for the banking crisis in the UK. In addition Brown screwed up the BoE's brief on inflation, ignoring the availability of credit, this led to interest rates being kept too low causing the unsustainable housing bubble.
You are out of date with your thinking, it is Labour now who people dont trust.
We would agree over the expenses fiacso and that is going to get worse still before the summer is out. The damage done to the body politic is very worrying. One priority is to restore peoples trust in politics and politicians but that will be a very bdifficult one to achieve. A poll in the Sunday Times today compared attitudes in 1989 to 2009. back in 1989 35% thought that politicians were mostly decent people but now it is only 17%... says it all.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
barryw yes but that trust (or lack of it) is in ALL POLITICIANS of all parties.
Believe me barryw im not out of date people will not vote conservative as they dont trust them, the best the conservatives can hope for is enough labour voters just dont vote.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Yes Keith I did not say it wasnt all parties.
As for not being out of date, you really should go to and use that as a hub to get a cross section of opinion.
I see Tracy Emin is coming accross now. She voted Conservative for the first time for Boris and will now be extending that support to the General Election. This is not unusual - 18% and 19% poll leads tell you that.
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
Tracy Emin is a vodka soaked foul mouthed individual.If thats the measure of support for the tories then your party is in a very sorry state of affairs.
I expect Labour to lose the next general election. I also believe that old Charlie boy will be Dovers next MP luckily he is a decent chap but I shall continue to vote Labour as it is the only party that represents my best interests and the interests of our society.
Instead of continous sniping at GB we should all be pulling together to restart the economy.Perhaps by spending less time being destructive and more time being constructive.
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
I actually agree with you about Tracy Emin Marek but the latter part of that para is simply absurd.
GB is himself a political issue and make no mistake he personally will be coming under attack more and more, it can only get worse for him. It will be his own side that will be doing this even more than the Opposition, just this week, Blears, Clarke etc. Over the summer it will get a lot worse for him after the June elections.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
I thought the last 2 general elections at least Labour would lose, but it didnt happen, why? as i say because people DONT TRUST the alternative!!!
I cant afford the tories to get in.
The sad fact is that now we have NO CREDIBLE ALTERNATIVE to this Govt, the tories are not trusted, the Lib Dems blow hot and cold
and no one else out there inspires.
I'm afraid I dont share your view on Charlie, nice as he is Gwyn can be nice but that doesn't win elections!!
My prediction
Labour win very small majority
Gwyn returned but -only just
And Day after Roger/Barryw etc all blaming the local people for not knowing whats best for them!!
lets see other brave predictions and who is closest
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Keith, what evidence have you to back up what you say? You are out on your own one of a tiny minority with blind faith. As for what you said about the last two elections, come off it - you were saying exactly the same then as now.
The whole game has changed since.
Take a look at this survey Dixon
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
it will be a hung goverment between ukip and monster raving loony party,and ronald mcdonald will be prime minister.

Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
THEY WOUld probably do a better job!!!!