22 April 1338.
Edward, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitaine, to the Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, Justiciars, Sheriffs, Prepositi^ Ministers, and all his Bailiffs and Lieges — Greeting.
We have inspected the Charter of the Lord Henry of renowned memory, formerly King of England, our great grandfather, in these words, "Henry," etc. [Here follows No. II. in its entirety.]
We therefore, holding the aforesaid grant and confirma tion ratified and established, do grant and confirm them for us and our heirs, so far as in us lies, to our beloved in Christ the present Master and Brethren of the aforesaid place and their successors, as the aforesaid charter reason ably affirms, and to the same extent as the said Master and Brethren and their predecessors have hitherto reasonably used and enjoyed the aforesaid liberties and quittances for themselves and their men.
Witnesses,* J., Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of All England ; R., Bishop of Durham ; R., Bishop of Chichester, our Chancellor ; John de Warenne, Earl of Surrey ; the Earls Thomas de Beauchamp of Warwick, William de Clynton of Huntingdon ; Henry de Ferrers ; Robert de Lisle ; John Darcy, Seneschal of our Household ; and others.
Given by our hand, at Westminster, the twenty-second day of April, in the twelfth year of our reign.
* John de Stratford, Richard de Angarville, and Robert Stratford.