26 April 1342.
William Gibbe, junior, and Margaret, his wife, com plainants, claim from John Kenp, and Alice, his wife, that they should fulfil their agreements with them for 2s. 6d. and I hen for a rent, to be received annually, from a forge which William of Kenartone, smith, holds within the Liberty of the town of Dover in Canon Ward. The aforesaid John and Alice being summoned, appear, and by licence were agreed as follows : —
This is the final agreement made in the Court of the Lord King held in Dover on the Friday next after the Feast of S. Mark the Evangelist in the sixteenth year of the reign of King Edward, the third of England after the Conquest : before John Monin, then Mayor of Dover ; Alexander Hurtin, then Bailiff; also the Jurats and others of the Lord King's lieges of the same town there assembled ; between William Gibbe, junior, and Margaret, his wife, on the one part, complainants, and John Kenp, and Alice, his wife, on the other part, deforciants, for two shillings and sixpence and one hen of free and perpetual rent payable annually for a forge which William of Kenartone, smith, holds within the Liberty of the town of Dover in Canon Ward : on which behalf a plea for breach of covenant was summoned between them in the said Court, viz. : That the aforesaid John and Alice confess the whole of the aforesaid rent to be the right of the said William and Margaret, to have and to hold to the said William and Margaret, their heirs and assigns in hereditary right for ever : and the aforesaid grant for them selves and their heirs that they will warrant the whole of the aforesaid rent to the aforesaid William and Margaret their heirs and assigns against all men for ever.