5 March 1472.
This indenture, made on the fifth day of the month of March in the twelfth year of the reign of King Edward the fourth, witnesseth, that we, John Barbour, clerk, Master of the House of God of Dover, and the Brethren of the same place, have with unanimous assent granted, demised, and at ferm let to Robert Salter, miller, of the Parish of River, two water-mills, which are now called The Corn Mill, one of which is called [Rakestravis] Mill, and the other Ash Mill, severally built in the Parish of River aforesaid, as by the metes and bounds appears : to have and to hold the aforesaid two mills, with pond and waters with weirs [fish- ponds and meadows], the aforesaid two mills being limited and by long usage established, to the aforesaid Robert Salter, his heirs and assigns, from the Feast of S. Michael the Archangel next ensuing after the date of the presents to the end of a term of the forty years next following and fully complete, the liberties of our royal charter, together with the fishing in the waters pertaining to the two mills afore said, always being reserved to us : on paying therefor annually to us, the aforesaid Master [and the Brethren and our successors] for that mill which is called Rakestravis Mill, 10 sh. of English money at the four principal terms of the year in equal proportions, to be paid at our Hospital during the term above said, provided always that the aforesaid Robert Salter does not assume possession, nor his heirs or his assigns assume possession, of that mill which is called Ash Mill until the indenture of John le By, formerly of Ewell, for that mill be finished, and he be excluded to the date of the said indenture : all things in the above said indenture being observed, we the Master and Brethren aforesaid will that the above said Robert Salter, his heirs and assigns, may have and hold the aforesaid mill which is called Ash Mill, with its appurtenances, as is above said, for the term aforesaid, on paying therefor annually to us, the afore said Master and Brethern and our successors, at the term above said, to wit, 10 sh. o{ English money as is aforesaid : furthermore, the aforesaid Robert Salter binds himself, his heirs and assigns, under forfeiture of this indenture, to look after and well and faithfully preserve all reparations of the said two mills, as well in the houses, as in the wood, in the waters, and in all other things pertaining to the two mills, at his own charges during the term abovesaid : and if the aforesaid annual rent, as well for one mill, as for the other of the mills aforesaid, be in arrear in part or in whole after any term of payment aforenamed for fifteen days, then it shall be lawful for us, the aforesaid Master and Brethern and our successors, to distrain on the said two mills, and to lead away, carry off, and retain the irrepleviable distresses until we be fully satisfied for the arrear of the said ferm : moreover, if the said two mills be unrepaired and there be damages, wastes, and detriments on that account, within the term of one year, after warnings made by us, the said Master and Brethern, or by our assigns, to the aforesaid Robert Salter, his heirs and assigns, for the two mills, for re-building, amending, and repairing them, and the said Robert Salter and his assigns do not sufficiently amend and rebuild them, then it shall be fully lawful for us, the aforesaid Master and Brethern and our successors, to re-enter the above said two mills, with ponds and waters, and with all things above specified, and to re-obtain and re-possess them in their pristine estate, and to entirely expel and remove for ever the said [Robert Salter and his assigns] therefrom : and we, the aforesaid Master and Brethern and our successors, will warrant, acquit, and defend the said two water mills, which are called Rakestravis Mill and Ash Mill, with all their appurtenances, in mode and form above mentioned, to the aforesaid Robert Salter, his heirs and assigns, against all men for the term abovesaid.
In witness whereof we, the aforesaid Master and Brethren, have set our common seal to the one part of the present indentures remaining with the said Robert, to the other part remaining with us, the said Master and Brethren, the aforesaid Robert Salter has set his seal.
Given in our Chapter House on the day and year above said.