LXXXI. 8 August 1472

8 August 1472. 

This indenture vvitnesseth that Thomas Hexstall, Mayor, John Peniot, Geoffrey Elham, Nicholas Fine, and John Cross, Chamberlains of the Port of Dover, in the name and with the assent of the whole Commonalty of the Port afore said, have granted and at fee ferm demised to James Young, one plot of void land lying within the Liberty of the Port of Dover in Oxes Ward, between the land of William Broke to the west, the land of John Marable to the north, the land of John Pepir to the east, and the Town Wall south : to have and to hold the aforesaid plot of land with its appurtenances to the aforesaid James, his heirs and assigns, from the Feast of S. Michael the Archangel, in the twelfth year of the reign of King Edward IV. to the end and for the term of the twenty years then next following and fully complete : he doing therefor the service of the Lord King when it shall arise, according to the custom of the Port aforesaid ; and paying therefor to the said Commonalty annually, on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 4^. of annual rent : and if happen that the said rent of ^J. be in arrear, in part or in whole, beyond the aforesaid feast, then it shall be fully lawful for the Mayor and Chamberlains of the said Port for the time being, in the name of the said Commonalty and their successors, to distrain on the aforesaid plot of land, and to lead away and detain the distresses thus taken until the aforesaid rent and all arrears thereof shall have been fully paid to them : but if the said rent shall be in arrear, in part or in whole, beyond the said term for one quarter of a year, and sufficient distress for the value of the said rent of 4^. should not be able to be found on the aforesaid plot of land, then be it lawful for the said Mayor and Chamberlains for the time being, in the name of the said Commonalty and their successors, to re-enter, reseise, and possess for ever, in its pristine estate, the afore said plot of land with its appurtenances, into whomsoever's hands it may come in the future : also the aforesaid Mayor and Wardens have demised, and in the name of the whole Commonalty have granted to the said James a tower stand ing upon the Town Wall near the gate called Wards Gate, to have and to hold the aforesaid tower to the said James for the term of his life, and the aforesaid James will repair the aforesaid tower at his proper costs during his life, so far as in his power lies. 

In witness of all these, as well the seal of the office of the Mayoralty of Dover as the seal of the aforesaid James, are affixed to these indentures on the eighth day of August in the year aforesaid. 

On the back : "" now John Barber." 

A perfect seal remains.
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