1 September 1473.
This indenture wltnesseth that Thomas Toke, Mayor of the town and Port of Dover, Henry Elphin, Thomas Martin, William Jacob, and William Dyer, junior, Chamberlains of the said town, with the unanimous assent and consent of the whole Commonalty of the said town, have delivered, granted, and at fee ferm demised to John Fullar one vacant plot of land with its appurtenances, lying within the Liberty of the Port of Dover in Snargate Ward, between the land of John Frewin to the north-east, the King's highway to the south- east, the land of Thomas Goore to the south-west, and the land of the said town to the north-west : to have and to hold the aforesaid plot of land with its appurtenances to the aforesaid John, his heirs and assigns for ever : he doing therefor the service of the Lord King according to the custom of the Port aforesaid : and paying therefor annually to the Mayor of the said town for the time being, and the Chamberlains of the same, on the Feast of the Nativity of S. John the Baptist, 6^. of annual rent : and if it happen that the said annual rent of 6d. be in arrrear beyond the term aforesaid for one month, then it shall be lawful for the Mayor and Chamberlains for the time being to re-enter and peacefully possess for themselves and their successors, the Mayors and Chamberlains of the said town for ever, the aforesaid plot of land with its appurtenances, into whomso ever's hands it shall have come, and the aforesaid Thomas Toke, and the Chamberlains and Commonalty aforesaid, will warrant the aforesaid land with its appurtenances to the aforesaid John Fullar, his heirs and assigns, in the form aforesaid, against all men for ever.
In witness whereof as well the common seal as the seal of the aforesaid John Fullar are alternately affixed to these indentures.
Given on the first day of the month of September in the thirteenth year of the reign of King Edward IV.
On the back: "John Fullar, now Harry Balgy, now Robt. Fluce."