CXVI. 26 July 1559

26 July 1559. 

To ALL those to whom thes present Leatters Testlmonialles shall come, or the same shall see, here, or reade, Thomas Collye, Maier of the Quenes Majesties towne and porte of Dovor ; William Grippes, jentellman, esquire, Leaftenent of the Castell of Dovor, and Roger Wood, Towne Clarke and Recorder of the said towne of Dovor, seand dewe com- mendations and greateyng, etc. Knowe ye and everye of you to whome in this case yt maye or shall appertayne. That we, the said Thomas Collye, William Cripes, and Roger Wood, being required and also desyred by William Hanington, of the said towne and porte of Dovor, in the county of Kent, jentellman, to see and vovwe sarten *chesse of Essex and Suffolk, which was a remaynder of the late victellyng of the Quens Majestis shipp, nowe remayning in the storehowse at Dovor port, in the custody and charge of the said William Hanington, in watt estatt and case the chesse was and is in, and to wittnes the trothe thereof, beinge there unto required. Therefor we, the said Thomas, William, and Roger Wood, for a declaration of Trothe, doe by thes presentes, at the requeast aforesaid, wittnese and testyfye to be for trothe, that about the xx'** daye of June last past by for the datte hereof, sawe a sarten parcell of olde rotten and nawghty chesse waved, being a remaynder as is aforesaid, which was of Suff"oIk and Essex chese, and dyd [ejxtend by weyght to the nomber of a leven waye of cheese, and was not worthe the valluc of ii</., except it were to feade dogges, for that it was soe olde, rotten, corrupt, and consumed by myutes, to evell to be expressed. In wyttnes of all the premysses to be matters of trothe, we, the said Thomas, William, and Roger Wood, have to these presentes put to our seals ; and for that our seals is not to all men knowen, I'heretbre we have cauescd for the better testymony thereof the sealie off office of mayiralty to thes presentes to be affyxed. 

* Cheese. 

Dated the xxvi daye of Julii anno regni Regine nostre Elizabeth, primo. 

One seal remains. 
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