1 March 1559.
Elizabeth, by the grace of God Quene of Englande, fFraunce, and Irelande, Defendour of the Fay the, etc. To all men to whom these presentes shall comme, gretinge. Whereas the Mayour, Jurates, and Inhabitantes of our Towne of Dover have exhybited unto us their Supplicacion, requyringe thereby amonges other thinges that for reliefe of the greate lacke they have of Saysalte for their necessary use, they mighte notwithstanding the generall restraynte for bringyge into thys our Real me of any frenche wares, pro vyde and buy from tyme to tyme of such straungers, beinge wyth us in leage and amytie, as shall happen to comme into our Porte or Rode of our sayde towne of Dovor for succore, or for any other necessary cause, with any shipf>e or shyppes laden wyth saysalte, such porcion and quantytie of thesaide saysalte as thesaide straungers shalbe wyllinge to sell unto them. We leate you wete that in consideracion aswell of their sayde lacke, as for other causes us movinge, we have byn contented to geve and graunte unto them lycence, like as by these presentes we doe geye and graunte thetn, and every of them, lycence to provyde and buy from hensforth, durynge the tyme of thesaide restraynte, of any suche straunger as shall hereafter happen so to arryve into our sayde Porte or Rode of Dovour with any shyppe or shyppes laden with saysalte as aforesaide, such quantytie of thesaide saysalte as thesayde straungers shalbe contented and wylling to sell and utter unto them. And thcsame sake so provyded and boughte, to bringe and lay and latidc and use in suche wise as they myght have don before the makinge of thesaide restraynte, without incurringe any danger, penalty, forfeyture, damage, or displeasure for thesame, any proclama cion or order touchinge thesaide restraynte made or had notwithstandinge. Wherefore our will and pleasure is that you, and every of you, suffer thesayde Mayor, Jurates, and thinhabitantes of our sayde towne and every of them, to have and enjoye the hole effecte of this our lycence without any your lete, troble, or contradiccion, as ye tender our pleasure ; Provyded that of suche Custommcs and Dutyes as be due unto us for thesaide sake so boughtc and provyded, we be dulye and truly aunsuered, as reason ys.
In wytnes whereof we have caused these our lettres to be made patentes.
Wytnes our selffe at Westminster the firste daye of Marche the firste yere of our reigne.
[Per breve de private sigillo et de data predicta. Marten.'] A moiety of the seal remains.