CXXXIV. 28 August 1569

28 August 1569. 

This indenture made the twenty-eighth day of August in the eleventhe yere of the raigne of cure Soveraigne Ladye Elizabethe, by the grace of God of England, fraunce, and Ireland, Quene, Deffendor of the Faythe, etc., Betwene John Edwardes, Maior of the Towne and Porte of Dovor, Richard Haward, John Warde, John Luckas, and Jarmaine Dowes, Chamberlaines of the said towne, of thone partie, and Thomas Edwardes, of the same towne and porte, searcher, of thother partie, witnessethe. That the said John Edwardes, Richard Haward, John Warde, John Luckas, and Jarmaine Dowes, withe the assent and consent of the hoUe Comonaltie of the same, have demissed, grawnted and to ferme letten, and by these presents dothe demise, grawnt, and to ferme lett unto the said Thomas Edwardes, one pece of voyd ground, sett, laying, and beinge under the Townewall of Dovor aforesaid, betwene the Pcniles bench and the Towre called the comon prison, contayninge in lenght a hondrete and tenne footte, be it more or lesse, and in breadth from the said Townewall downe to the lowe watter marke : to have and to holde that the saide pece of voyde with thapportenaunces to the said Thomas Edwardes, his heires, executers, and assignes, from the feaste of Sainte John Baptiste laste paste beffore the dale hereof, unto thend and tcrme of foureskore and ninctcn yeeres from thence next ensuinge and fully to be complett and ended : yeldinge and payeing therefore ycrely dweringe the saide tcrme to the said Maior and Chamberlaines of the said towne and there successors for the tyme beinge, for the said pece of voyd ground, viij^/. of good and lawful! monye of England, by the yere, and so consequently to paie the lyke some yerely at the said feaste dweringe the said terme of Ixxxxix yeres : and if it shall happen the said yerely rent of viij^. to be behind and unpaid after the said feaste in which it ought to be paide by the space of xv daies, beinge lawfuUye dcmaunded and asked, that then it shalbe lawful 1 for the said Maior and Chamberlaines and there successors for the tyme beinge, unto the beffbre letten grownd to re-enter, and the same and every parte thereof againe to have, injoy, and pocese as in there former estate, this Indenture or any thinge herein contayncd to the contrarye notwithstandingc : And it is further grawnted by the said Maior and Chamber- laines, that the same Thomas Edwardes shall have the occupienye of the voyd grovvnde under the Penyles benche unto suche tyme as the said Maior and Chamberlaines, or their successors, ye Maiors or Chamberlaines, shall have neyd thereof for buyldinge or any othere necessary cause. 

And in wittnes hereof we have caused the comon seale of thistowne, as also the seale of the said Thomas Jidwardcs, interchaungeablie to be sett and subscribed by the saide Thomas, the daye and yere above wretten and in the yere of our Lord 1569. 
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