CXXXV. 6 September 1569

6 September 1569. 

This indenture made the syxte dale of September in the eleavente yere oftheraigne of o"" Sovereigne Ladye Elizabeth, by the grace of God of England, ffraunce, and Ireland, Quene, Defendor of the Fayth, etc., Betwene John Edwardes, Maior of the Towne and Porte of Dovor, Richard Heward, John Warde, and John Luckas, and Jarmaine Dowes, Chamberlaines of the saide towne, of thone partie ; and Alexander Mynge, of the same towne and porte, Jurate, of thother partie, witnessethe, That the said John Edwardes, John Heward, John Warde, John Luckas, and Jarmaine Dowes, with the assent and consent of thole Comunaltie of the same towne, have demysed, grawnted, and to ferme letten, and by these presents doeth demise, grawnte, and to ferme lett unto the said Alexander Mynge, all that the lane layeng and being abovewall in the ward there caulled Georges Ward, abuttinge to the house and voyde grownde of the said Alexander Mynge, late Thomas Yonges, to the sowthwest, the tenement and grownd of the heires of John Hulle, and the said Alexander Mynge to the northeast, the lande of Thomas Pepper to the north, the lande of the heires of Hewge Jacobe to the sowth, the Kinge highe streete to the sowtheast, a certaine lane leadinge to the gate caulled Abovewall to the sowthwest : to have and to holde the said lane with thapportenaunces, unto the said Alexander Mynge, his heires, executours, and assignes, ffrom the feast of St. John Baptist laste paste beffor the date hereof unto thend and terme of one and twcntie yeres from thence next ensuinge and fullye to be complet and ended : yeldinge and paeing therefore yerely dweringe the said terme to the said Maior and Chamberlaines of the said towne and there successores for the tyme beinge for the said lane, foure pence of good and lawfull monyc of England bv the yere at the said feast of Saint John Baptist, and soe consequently to paie the lyke some yerely at the thesaide feast dweringe thesaid terme of xxi yeres : and if it shall happen the said ycrely rente of iiij^/. to be behinde and unpaide after the said feast in which it oughte to be paide by the space of xv daies, beinge lawfuUye demaunded and asked, that then it shaihe lawfull for the said Maior and Chamberlaines and there successors for the tyme beinge into the beffore letten lane to re-enter and the same and every parte thereof againe to have, injoy, and possess, as in there former estat, this indenture or any thinge herein conteyned to the contrarye notwith standinge. 

In wittnes hereof we have caussed the comon scale of this townc as also the scale of the said Alexander Mynge, interchaungablic to be sett and subscribed by the said Alexander, the daie and yere above written and in the yere of our Lord 1569. 

On the turnover: Teste me Alex. Mynge. 

On the back : " Now the Pest house."" 
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