I. 11 July 1227

11 July 1227.

Henry, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy, Aquitaine, and Count of Anjou, to his Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, Justiciars, Foresters, Sheriffs, Preposi/i, and all Bailiffs, and his Lieges — Greeting.

Know that we have granted, and by this our charter have confirmed, to God and the Hospital of Dover, which our beloved and faithful Hubert de Burgo, Earl of Kent, Justiciar of England, founded in honour of God and the blessed Mary, the gift which the same Earl made to the aforesaid Hospital of the Manor of Eastbridge, with the advowson of the Church, and with all its appurtenances, for the support of the poor and of the pilgrims coming thither ; saving, however, to the same Earl and his heirs the knights' fees which belong to the same manor. Wherefore we will and strictly command that the Master and Brethren of the aforesaid Hospital have and hold the aforesaid manor, with all its appurtenances, the knights' fees which belong to the aforesaid manor excepted, well and in peace, quietly and freely, with all liberties and free customs pertaining to the said manor ; as the charter of the aforesaid Earl, which for that purpose he caused to be made to the aforesaid Hospital, doth reasonably testify.

Witnesses, the venerable Fathers Eustace of London and Josceline of Bath ; H. de Burgo, Earl of Kent, our Justiciar ; Ranulf, Earl of Chester ; William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke ; William, Earl of Albemarle ; Richard d'Argentan, our Seneschal ; Gelmus de Welis ; and others.

Given by the hand of the venerable Father Ralph, Bishop of Chichester, our Chancellor, the eleventh day of July in the eleventh year of our reign.
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