II. 17 February 1229

17 February 1229.

Henry, by the grace of God, King of England, etc. — Greeting.

Know that we, out of reverence to God, and for the salvation of our soul, and for the souls of our ancestors and heirs, have granted, and by this our charter have confirmed, for us and our heirs, to the Master of the Hospital of the Downs Dei of Dover and to the Brethren of the same Hospital, that they and their men, with their lands and tenements, be for ever quit of suits of Shires, Hundreds, Leets and Lagedays ; and from aids of Sheriffs and Bailiffs, and from view of frank-pledges ; and from wards, works and enclosures of castles, parks and bridges ; and from passage, pontage, stallage, tallage, lestage and paage ; and from wreck of the sea. Wherefore we will and strictly command that the aforesaid Master and Brethren and their successors, and their men, lands and tenements, be quit for ever from all the aforesaid, as is aforesaid.

Witnesses, J. Bath, Richard of Durham and Walter of Carlisle, Bishops ; H. de Burgo, Earl of Kent, Justiciar of England ; Stephen de Segrave ; Hugh Despenser ; Nicholas de Molis ; Ralph de Ralege ; and others.

Given by the hand of the venerable Father R., Bishop of Chichester, our Chancellor, at Westminster, the seventh day of February in the thirteenth year of our reign.

Portions of the seal remain.
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