CIX. 1 June 1554

1 June 1554. 

This indenture witnesseth that Thomas Finnctt, Mayor of the Town and Port of Dover, in the County of Kent, John Marbull, John Robins, William Geillcs, and Robert Seller, Chamberlains of the said town, with the unanimous assent and consent of the whole Commonalty of the said town, have delivered, granted, and at fee firm demised to Anthony Reade of the Town and Port of Dover aforesaid, yeoman, a vacant plot of land with all its appurtenances, containing in breadth two measured roods of land and a half rood of land, and in length five roods of land, lying and being within the Liberty of the Town and Port of Dover aforesaid, between the lands of the said town, now in the occupation of Roger Wood, to the south-west, and the land of the said town, now in the occupation of William Burden, to the north-east, and the King's road to the north-west and the shore of the sea to the south-east : to have and to hold the aforesaid vacant plot of land, with all its appurtenances, to the aforesaid Anthony Reade, his heirs and assigns, from the feast of S. Michael, the Archangel, last past before the date of the presents, from year to year one after the other to the end and term of the ninety-nine years next following and fully complete : on doing therefor the service of our Lady the Queen and her successors when it shall befall acording to the custom of the port of Dover aforesaid : and also on giving and paying annually to the Mayor and Wardens of the said town for the time being, at the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 12^. for an annual rent : and if happen that the aforesaid annual rent of \ld. be in arrear, in part or in whole, at the feast or term afore said on which it should be paid beyond the term aforesaid for the space of fifteen days, then it shall be lawful for the Mayor and Chamberlains of the town aforesaid for the time being to re-enter, re-have, and peacefully enjoy, as in its pristine estate, the aforesaid vacant plot of ground with all its appurtenances, into whomsocvcr's hands it may have come, ami ti) totally expel and remove the aforesaid Anthony Reade therefrom, this present indenture notwithstanding. 

In witness whereof as well the common seal of the town aforesaid as the seal of the aforesaid Anthony Keade are alternately affixed. 

Given on the first day of the month of June in the first year of the reign of our Lady Queen Mary, by the grace of God Queen of England, France, and Irehind, Defender of the Faith, and on earth Supreme Head of the English and Irish Church. 

In dorso. Present in sealynge and delyveryng of these presentes, Thomas Fynnet, Mayor ; Robert Seller ; William Geylles ; Robt. Lome, common^serjaunt ; William Mason ; Roger Wood, town clerke.
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