CX. 1 September 1554

1 September 1554. 

This indenture witnesseth that Thomas Finnctt, Mayor of the Town and Port of Dover, in the County of Kent, John Marbull, John Robins, William Geilles, and Robert Seller, Chamberlains of the said town, with the unanimous assent and consent of the whole Commonalty of the said town, have delivered, granted, and at fee ferm demised to Valentine Upton, of the Fown and Port of Dover aforesaid, yeoman, a garden with all appurtenances, containing in leni^^th eleven tailor's yards and a half, and in breadth on the King's highway six yards and a half, and another part which abuts on the lands of the said Valentine Upton containing five tailor's yards and a half, lying and being within the Liberty of the Town and Port of Dover aforesaid in the ward called [left blank] Ward, between the land of the aforesaid Valentine Upton to the north-east, and the common lane to the south-eait, and the King's highway to the south-west, and the land of the Hospital of S. Bartholomew to the north-west : to have and to hold the aforesaid garden with all appurtenances to the aforesaid Valentine Upton, his heirs and assigns, from the feast of S. Michael the Archangel next following the date of the presents, from year to year, one after the other, to the end and term of the ninety-nine years next following and fully complete : on doing there for the service of our Lords the King and Queen when it shall befall according to the custom of the Town and Port of Dover aforesaid : and also on giving and paying annually to the Mayor and Chamberlains of the said town for the time being, on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 8^/. for an annual rent : and if it happen that the aforesaid annual rent of 8^. be in arrear at the feast or term on which it should be paid, in part or in whole, beyond the said term for the space of fifteen days, then it shall be lawful for the Mayor and Commonalty of the aforesaid town for the time being to re-enter, re-have, and peacefully enjoy, as in its pristine estate, the aforesaid garden with all appurtenances, into whomsoever's hands it may have come, :ind the aforesaid Valentine Upton and his assigns to totally expel and remove therefrom, this present indenture notwithstanding. 

In witness whereof as well the common seal of the town aforesaid as the seal of the aforesaid Valentine Upton are alternately affixed. 

Given on the first day of the month of September in the first and second year of the reign of King and Queen Philip and Mary, by the grace of God King and Queen of England, France, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, Princes of Spain and Sicily, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of Milan, Burgundy, and Brabant, Earls of Hapsburg, Flanders, and the Tyrol . 

In dorso : Present in seulyng and delyvering of these presents, The, finet, Mayor, and 'Thorn. Corlaynes ; Robert Lome^ towne sergaunt ; and Roger Wood, towne clerke of Dover. 

Valentint Upton in . . . brook, modo Mr Legem.
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