4 May 1381.
Richard, by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland ; to all to whom these present letters shall come, — Greeting.
It is known to us by an inspection of the rolls of the Chancellery of the Lord Edward, lately King of England, our grandfather, that, in a certain ordinance, made and established by the same our grandfather, with the assent of the Prelates, Earls, and Barons of his Kingdom assembled in his Parliament, held at York on the morrow of the Ascen sion of our Lord, in the ninth year of his reign, for the benefit of our said grandfather and of his subjects, is con tained, among others, the article written below, viz. —
And that no pilgrim pass outside our Realm to foreign parts, except through Dover, under pain of a year s imprisonment.
We therefore, at the request of our beloved John Halle, Mayor of the aforesaid town of Dover, have caused the article aforesaid to be exemplified by the tenour of these presents, both Willing and Granting that the ordinance aforesaid, so far as the article aforesaid, as it tends to the common benefit of our kingdom, be inviolably kept and firmly observed.
In witness whereof we have caused these our letters patent to be made.
Witness myself at Westminster the fourth day of May in the fourth year of our reign.
The great Seal of England remains.