26 March 1382.
Know all present and future that I, William Barbour, son of Henry Barbour of Dover, have given, granted, and, by this my present charter, have confirmed to Alexander Wite of the same town, and Johanna, his wife, half an acre of land lying in the parish of Charleton, and in the tenure of the Prior of Dover, viz., between the land of John Aleyn to the north east, and the land of Thomas Harry to the south-east, and the land of William Ceroid to the south-west, and the land of me, William aforesaid, towards the north-west : to have and to hold the aforesaid half acre of land with its appur tenances to the aforesaid Alexander and Johanna, his wife, their heirs and assigns, well and peacefully for ever, from the capital lords of that fee by the services due to them therefrom and by right accustomed, and I, the aforesaid William, and my heirs, will warrant the aforesaid half acre of land with its appurtenances to the aforesaid Alexander and Johanna, his wife, their heirs and assigns, against all men for ever.
In witness whereof I have affixed my seal to the present charter.
Given at Charleton the twenty-sixth day of March in the fifth year of the reign of King Richard, the second after the conquest of England.
Witnesses, John By ; Thomas Wille ; William By ; John atte Regge ; John Wite ; William Borstale ; Nicholas Guldebard ; and other good men.