Dover Transportation Study

Friday, 4 May 2007
A major transportation study took place around Dover this week as part of vital research work in the preparation of the Local Development Framework for the future of the district. The study meant that some vehicles were pulled over at locations in Dover and asked questions about their journey and travel patterns.

This key study will provide vital information in the preparation of the Local Development Framework (LDF) for the area - the policies and documents that will shape the development of the whole district for the next 20 years. An important component of the LDF is the impact that any planned development will have on transport links throughout the district. Because of the scale of transport issues and development options for and around Dover, Dover District Council and its partners commissioned the Dover Transportation Study.

Outputs from the study will include the development of a town-wide computerised transport model that will demonstrate how people currently travel in Dover, and how any new development will impact upon travel behaviour, air quality and the performance of highway and public transport networks. Recommendations will be made on the type, location and timing of transport improvements required to improve current accessibility levels in the town and accommodate growth.

Adrian Fox, Principal Planning Officer, said: "This is an important study that is providing vital research in the preparation of the LDF and we would like to thank everyone for their patience and cooperation."

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