Dover District Council has this week announced the second stage of consultation on two important draft strategies for the district, one for Sport and Recreation and one for Parks and Open Spaces, and your views are sought.
Drafts have been produced following extensive consultation with leisure providers (such as Vista Leisure, the Sandwich Leisure Trust, English Landscapes and the White Cliffs Countryside Project), sports clubs/organisations, and focus groups for young and older people. In addition, questionnaires were sent to Town and Parish Councils and a door-to-door survey of 500 households across the district was conducted.
The Sport and Recreation Draft Strategy recognises the value of health and social, quality of life, pride in the area and regeneration benefits that sport and recreation bring to communities. Key objectives include enhancing recreational opportunities to increase participation levels. The Parks and Open Spaces Draft Strategy identifies the value of parks and open spaces for health and social benefits, in relation to walking, cycling, and informal recreation. A phased programme of improvements is recommended as a result of 200 sites across the district being assessed.
Draft strategies can be viewed on the Council website at or at Area Offices in Dover, Deal, Sandwich, Aylesham or the Council offices at Whitfield. The closing date for consultation is 14 December 2007. For more information, please contact DDC's new Sports Development Officer, Sarah Philpott on 01304 872446.