Another Multi-Million Pound Boost For Dover District's Future

Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Another multi million pound boost for the district's world-class future is being celebrated today following news of a further £2.6m from the Government over the next two years. This additional investment, announced by the Department of Communities and Local Government, follows the Council's successful Growth Point bid this summer.

Dover District Council submitted the bid last year, working with a range of partners including the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA), English Partnerships, Kent County Council, Dover Harbour Board and Dover Pride.

Growth Points are a Government initiative to provide support to local communities who wish to pursue large scale and sustainable growth. The successful bid followed extensive work with a range of partners and enabled the Council to access special national funds to help with planning and delivering new developments.

Dover District Council is receiving an allocation of £1m for 2009/10 and £1.6m for 2010/11 to help it to make a real and early difference in the planned large-scale regeneration for Dover.

Housing Minister Margaret Beckett said: "In these difficult economic times we must not lose sight of the long-term need to build more homes ... This money is targeted at those local authorities with the most ambitious growth plans. As well as helping to build the new homes we need, it will ensure we have the support and infrastructure in place so that these homes become part of the existing community, not a burden on their resources."

Cllr Paul Watkins, Leader of Dover District Council said: "It is exceptional that I can again inform residents and businesses of new investment coming into the district; particularly during the difficult times that so many are having to currently endure. This is a significant funding announcement for the delivery of growth coming on the back of the recent Sea Change funding. A range of developments that on their own are important, together will provide a transformational regeneration programme.

"This funding helps support the delivery of this programme and follows successful partnership engagement across a whole range of national agencies and partners who are sitting up and matching their positive words with hard cash. Growth Point status is recognizing Dover as a national priority and is helping to provide the working finance to deliver regeneration. This is a major announcement in supporting sustainable growth and a world-class future for the district."

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