Another application is to be made in May to make Dover a "Fairtrade Town".
The bid will be submitted by Dover Town Council, working alongside local churches, businesses and schools.
News of the application was given at a Fairtrade Buffet which was held at the Town Council offices on Thursday, 28 February, when speakers included the Rev Dr Michael Hinton, on behalf of Christians Together in Dover, Town Mayor Cllr Bob Markham, and Rick Norman, chairman of the Canterbury Fairtrade Steering Group, who spoke about the principles of Fairtrade.
Dover Grammar School sixth form student Jack Williams explained why the school is involved in the campaign, and of the aims of the Green Footprint Group which already involves a number of secondary schools and is to be expanded to primary schools.
Town Councillor David Hannent thanked all those already involved in Fairtrade and called on more local businesses and organisations to join them.
To become a Fairtrade Town, Dover has to meet five criteria.
The local council must pass a resolution supporting Fairtrade, and serve Fairtrade coffee and tea at its meetings and in offices and canteens.
A range of Fairtrade products must be readily available in the area's shops and served in local cafés and catering establishments.
Fairtrade products must be used by a number of local work places educational establishments, faith communities and other community organisations.
There has to be media coverage and events must be organised to gain popular support for the campaign.
A local Fairtrade steering group must meet regularly to ensure continued commitment to Fairtrade Town status. The composition of the steering group should be representative of the community overall.