National crime statistics released yesterday show that over the year, recorded crime has fallen by 9% over England and Wales, and by 10% across Kent, and (based on British Crime Survey comparators) recorded crime for Dover District has fallen by 13%.
The statistics for Dover District, comparing 06/07 and 07/08, also show that burglaries dropped by 13%, violence against the person dropped by 14%, theft of motor vehicles dropped by 11%, and theft from motor vehicles dropped by 32%. The statistics are being welcomed by the Dover District Community Safety Partnership.
Nadeem Aziz, Chairman of the Dover District Community Safety Partnership and Chief Executive of Dover District Council said: "These results are excellent, they represent a significant reduction in the number of victims of crime and are a real credit to the success of partnership working across the area. This is great news, and as a range of agencies continue to work for a world-class future for Dover District, this brings home the important message that the district remains a safe place to live, work and visit."
For more information on national statistics or to read the full report, please see the Home Office website at