A Local Public Enquiry is to be held in respect of the proposed Wind Farm development at Langdon. The Inquiry will be held at the Council Offices at Whitfield and is scheduled to start on the morning of 7 January 2009 and will last until around 26 January 2009. The Inspector has prepared a timetable, although this is subject to change. The timetable is available from the Council Offices on request.
The Inspector will sit in the Council Chamber, where there is likely to be additional seating for around 50 members of the public. The Council is also providing an overflow room with audio link - which can seat around 65 members of the public. In case of significant public attendance it is also proposed to erect a marquee outside the Council Chamber which will be lit and have an audio link. Although not ideal - especially bearing in mind the time of year, the marquee will at least provide some protection from the elements.
There are parking spaces at the Council Offices, but due to the possibility of significant levels of interest and likely attendees, it may be that on site car parking will be limited. The Council would suggest using car sharing or using other methods of transport to those wishing to attend.