Have Your Say At Neighbourhood Forums

Sunday, 29 March 2009
Local residents are invited to come along and have their say at two Neighbourhood Forum meetings - with Keeping Your Village Alive the subject at Dover West on 2 April, and sports facilities and sport for young people discussed at Dover Town on 7 April.

Dover West will be discussing Keeping Your Village Alive on 2 April at Lydden Village Hall from 6.30pm. Representatives from Kent Association for Rural Retailers, and Action with Communities in Rural Kent will speak about their work, and a speaker will be sharing information about work in a neighbouring village. This will be followed by questions and answers.

Dover Town will be discussing The Provision of Sports Facilities and Participation in Sport by Young People on 7 April at St Mary's Parish Centre, Dover from 6.30pm. Representatives from Dover District Council's Leisure Services team, and Vista Leisure will give a brief presentation about their work and answer questions. People will also have the chance to comment on how they would like to see funding spent in the play area in Connaught Park. This will be followed by an open session for members of the public to have their say on issues that matter to them.

Doors open at 6pm with light refreshments and an opportunity to meet your local County, District and Parish Councillors and other Forum members.

For further information please contact KCC Community Liaison Manager Emma Carey on 01622 694599.

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