Listening To The Community - Get Involved In Overview And Scrutiny

Monday, 26 January 2009
Dover District Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committees are inviting suggestions from the community on areas to be looked at over the year ahead.

Any suggestions for reviews must directly affect a group of people living or working within the Dover District, and relate to a service, event or issue in which the Council has a significant stake or over which the Council has an influence. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee responsible for the particular topic area will consider the suggestion and in all cases you will be notified of its decision.

In 2008/09, the Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committees considered topics such as the provision of a new community hospital for Dover, the issue of animal welfare and the District Youth Strategy.

For more information, or to submit a suggestion, contact Ms Rebecca Brough, Democratic Support Officer at or on 01304 872304, or copies of the forms are available from the DDC website at

The deadline for suggestions to be received is 31 March 2009.

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