Local Development Framework Core Strategy Published

Monday, 26 January 2009
A central part of the Local Development Framework (LDF) for the district is being published this week - the Core Strategy is the key plan that maps out the district's future over the next 20 years and it will be available from Thursday (29 January).

The Strategy, which sets a framework for making planning decisions, follows wide-ranging consultations last year on draft proposals. Dover District Council has considered all views received and finalised the plan. It aims for major improvements in the district to 2026 and beyond, based on an ambitious regeneration and growth programme centred on the Dover Growth Point.

Publication of the Core Strategy marks the start of a formal process to approve the plan. People have until 25 March to make representations. These will be taken into account by an independent Planning Inspector at a public examination later in the year, probably during the autumn. The Inspector will also take account of all other relevant information in order to decide if the Strategy should be approved with or without alterations. The Inspector's report, which will be binding on the Council, is not likely to be received until the end of the year, or the beginning of 2010.

To view a copy of the Core Strategy, visit or call into any Dover District Council offices, or for more information, call 01304 872477 or 01304 872043.

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