Dover District Council has released figures highlighting their performance for the year.
Figures from the first three quarters of the year include news that satisfaction of community partners and stakeholders in DDC support is at 100%. Results also show that 100% of calls regarding strays and dog fouling were investigated within 3 working days, and 99% of calls (day service) on noise were responded to within 5 working days.
The statistics also show that successful work on e-communication is helping DDC to help the environment, with an increase of almost 20% in people getting recycling email alerts, and an increase of almost 35% in those registered with DDC's Sign Me Up campaign (where households sign up for emails instead of letters wherever possible).
Results show customer satisfaction rating with DDC customer services is at 93%, the number of long-term private sector vacant dwellings returned to occupation/demolished as a direct result of action by the authority is up on 08/09, and levels of recycling are up, with levels of participation in recycling schemes up from 56% in 08/09 to over 70%.
Almost 98% of new reports of abandoned vehicles were investigated within 24 hours, and levels of unacceptable graffiti and fly-posting at pre-selected areas were at 0%. DDC also state that they continue to support communities, with 315 enquiries for additional benefits claimed by residents aged 60 and over, and the value of these benefits set at more than £425,000.
Cllr Ian Ward, DDC Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources and Performance, said: "There are a number of excellent results here. We are a low taxing authority, and these are difficult financial times, but we continue to work for our communities and to deliver a wide range of excellent customer services, and this is great news for the district."