Partnership working to build on success of Dover Youth HQ

Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Dover District Council has pledged its support for the Ashford-based charity, Kent Children's Fund Network (KCFN) to deliver youth services across the district following the award of a three-year Kent County Council commission for youth activities.

Cllr Sue Chandler, DDC Portfolio Holder for Community, Housing and Youth said: "We are committed to supporting the delivery of quality youth services across the district, and we know how effective partnership working with KCFN has been in Dover Town Centre, and the benefit it has brought to many of our young people. We know just how important these services are to our young people, and want to make the most of the opportunities that this new partnership brings to deliver innovative youth activities."

The new programme of local commissioning enables voluntary and community sector partners to play a more prominent role in the delivery of local youth activities for young people aged 13-19. It aims to build capacity in the delivery of youth activities that are more in tune with local needs, whilst at the same time supporting county-wide infrastructure, facilities and staff.

CEO of KCFN Stephen Bell, said: "This is an exciting opportunity to take forward the already successful partnership working in Dover Town Centre, bringing together stakeholders to deliver a service that raises the aspirations of local young people and supports them to achieve their full potential."

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