The Port of Dover welcomed PIANC UK Young Professionals Seminar delegates visiting the Eastern Docks on Friday. The event which was organised and chaired by the Port of Dover included a presentation from Atkins, who also part sponsored the visit. The day gave the opportunity for young professionals to engage in a technical exchange regarding the exciting and innovative engineering developments at the Port of Dover.
PIANC consists of a network of individuals who are at the forefront of a particular maritime field. Its authoritative reports are used worldwide by engineers in the planning, design, construction and management of infrastructure for ports and waterways.
As part of the programme, Stuart Byrne representing Atkins, one of the Port's consultants working on the Asset Management Structural Integrity Commission covering key marine, building and highways assets, spoke to the delegates about the company's pioneering work. The Commission will greatly improve the knowledge base and support the operational performance and profitability of the Port of Dover, one of the world's busiest passenger ports.
Stuart Byrne, Project Manager for the Commission at Atkins said: "This was a great opportunity for Atkins to demonstrate how it is helping to enhance what is already a world class operation at the Port of Dover."
Delegates visited Atkins' project site followed by a port tour in order to experience first hand the level of expertise and investment that goes towards keeping Europe's busiest RoRo ferry terminal operating efficiently. Nigel Bodell, the Port's Head of Infrastructure Development and the UK PIANC panel member on master planning, then gave a presentation about the Port's infrastructure and development plans.
Nigel said: "It was a pleasure to host the PIANC UK Young Professionals Seminar with our partners at Atkins. This was an ideal opportunity to showcase our major projects, which will ensure that the Port of Dover remains the biggest ferry port in Europe."
A spokesman from PIANC said: "Thanks to the generosity of the Port of Dover and Atkins; today has been an excellent opportunity for young scientists and engineers, from a range of consultancy, contracting and owner/operator organisations, to come together and view a working and developing port. Young Professionals are an integral and active component of PIANC activities and these regular site visits, along with technical seminars, help promote a culture of sharing knowledge, experiences and networking."