Dover District Council has become the first local authority in East Kent to have a full Local Plan in place following adoption of its Land Allocations Local Plan (LALP). These key documents give developers and residents certainty about land identified for potential development for the next 20 years.
The LALP identifies land within the district for specific types of development such as housing and employment. These sites are in addition to the strategic housing allocations as set out in the Council's Core Strategy, which was adopted by the Council in 2010.
The LALP went through an extensive consultation process, including public hearings in 2014, chaired by an independent Planning Inspector, and further consultation on Main Modifications recommended by the Inspector. The Plan was adopted following a meeting of Full Council on Wednesday (28 January 2015).
Cllr Paul Watkins, Leader of Dover District Council said: "This is another significant step in our growth and regeneration agenda. Alongside the Core Strategy, this sets out how we will achieve our plans to deliver 10,100 new homes in the district by 2026, and 14,000 in the longer term, along with identifying new employment space to create up to 6,500 new jobs. DDC is leading the way in East Kent with these key documents in place."
For more information visit the LALP page on the DDC website at