Waterloo Crescent Conservation Area character appraisal

Thursday, 26 January 2017
A review of the historical character of the Waterloo Crescent Conservation Area near Dover Seafront has been carried out by Dover District Council, as they continue to plan for the future of the district - and your views are sought. 

A draft Conservation Area Character Appraisal has been drawn up by the Council Heritage team. The review considers the history of the area, and is intended to identify opportunities for improvements, inform new development and help evaluate new proposals for the area.

The Waterloo Crescent Conservation Area lies between the A20 and the outer harbour of Dover Western Docks. It includes five terraces of mid to late Nineteenth Century buildings, all of which are grade II listed, and a grade ll listed war memorial.

The appraisal follows a recommendation in the Dover District Heritage Strategy to review the district’s conservation areas, in keeping with the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act.

DDC is also making arrangements to prepare a masterplan for the Dover Waterfront area. An understanding of the historic features of the conservation area is needed as part of the evidence base for this masterplan.

The consultation commences on 26 January and the deadline for comments is 9 March 2017. For more information see the DDC Planning Policy pages.

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