Schoolchildren in Buckland were given a helping hand from local Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) as they tried to unravel who pushed Humpty Dumpty off the wall.
PCSOs James Goss and Ben Bromley visited Green Park Community Primary School’s Palace class to talk to the children about Kent Police and offer them safety advice.
The four and five-year-olds, who are studying for a project that focuses on people who help, were intrigued to find out how suspects are arrested, how information is relayed through police radios and what they should do if they get lost.
The visit tied in with their crime task to find out who knocked the nursery-rhyme egg off the wall. The officers joined in with the children who were exploring fun ways in which they could crack the case.
PCSO Goss said: "The children were very excited to meet us. They particularly enjoyed trying on our hats and jackets and looking at our police car. It was great to spend time in the class and show the children that we are here to help them. It’s also important that young people understand what to do in the event of an emergency."
Rachel McGregor from Green Park Community School said: "Palace class were lucky enough to be visited by our two local PCSOs. The children found out all about the job they do. They wore the uniforms and even got to go in the back of a police van, which was very exciting! Thank you very much for coming to visit our school - we all loved it."