New town centre cocktail bar receives DDC business grant

Tuesday, 28 May 2019
A cocktail/lounge bar in Dover is giving a warm welcome to news that it is the latest business to be awarded a grant under Dover District Council’s Town Centre Business Grant Scheme. 

The Lava Lounge on Biggin Street in Dover, which opened on Friday (24 May 2019), has been awarded a grant of £10,000 from DDC to help with refurbishment costs.

DDC’s new grant scheme offers grants of up to £10,000 to bring commercial properties back into use, or up to £1,000 to upgrade or improve the appearance of commercial properties in designated town centre areas in Dover, Deal and Sandwich.

Ben Dowle from the Lava Lounge said: "We would like to thank Dover District Council for helping us to bring Lava Lounge to Dover’s Town Centre. The grant money has been put towards the refurbishment costs and we are very excited to have opened for the people of Dover to enjoy."

Cllr Keith Morris, Leader of Dover District Council said: "This is another great example of how our Town Centre Business Grant Scheme can help to support local business and continue to regenerate our town centres. Grants are available to support local businesses, and we would encourage anyone who is eligible to apply." 

For more information or to apply for a Town Centre Business Grant from Dover District Council, visit the DDC Business Grants pages.

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