Hot Letters!

2 January 2008

Roger Walkden, Dover

Sunday, 24 February 2008 - 7:06am

I think that if every single person in the Country had their DNA on a register, we would have a lot more (an awful lot more) crimes solved.

Every time people go to the Doctors, every time a baby is born, every time someone comes into the Country - at every opportunity there should be a DNA test taken and held on a register.


Keith Sansum, Dover
Saturday, 23 February 2008 - 11:58am

I do understand your concerns, there has to also be ways to crack down on criminals and sex offenders, terrorists etc
you cant have it both ways. Whilst DNA will never be the total answer, we do need a way to stop things before they happen if we are able.


Barry Williams, Dover
Saturday, 23 February 2008 - 10:15am

Yes it does matter if you have nothing to hide.

There seems to be a complacent assumption among those who make the 'nothing to hide' statement that we will always have a benign Government.

We are not immune to a future Hitler or Stalin getting to power. Imagine what they would have made of a national DNA database, all that CCTV and so on.

We are sleepwalking into a potentially dangerous situation where Governments simply have too much information and too much power over us.

keith sansum, Dover Saturday,
23 February 2008 - 9:10am

interesting debate starting on DNA....

looks like government aint going to push for everyone to have there DNA
taken but if you have nowt to hide would it matter?


Barry W-S, Dover
Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 8:55am

Well if this rumour turns out to be true, not only will we reap the benefits by having a supermarket in the middle of town, saving money and keeping the carbon footprint down, but we can also enjoy the shopping experience of saying hello to Lulu and Alan Hansen.
Mandie, Dover
Thursday, 21 February 2008 - 8:37am

I gave up shopping at T**** a long time ago. The prices there are stupid now.

I started shopping over at Folkestone Morrison about June time last year, and have to say I am suitably impressed.

They have some great deals on, and I seem to be able to get far more shopping for my money than at T**co, and the quality of the produce is also good.

My only concern is that supermarkets seem to be all we keep getting, and to be fair. The spending power to sustain all of these supermarkets simply isn't there. It doesn't make sense to keep bringing them in.
John , Dover
Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 7:55pm

There is more of a chance of a lunar eclipse than Morrisons moving in !!

howard mcsweeney, dover
Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 7:42pm

i really cannot see this happening, morrisons moving in....

Paul Watkins, DDC

Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - 7:04pm

Interesting rumours about Morrisons & the B&Q site at Charlton Green.

Existing planning permissions mean they could move in tomorrow if the site was vacated.

They were one of the supermarkets originally interested in DTIZ scheme but pulled out late in the bidding.

Town centre sites with this type of permission are rare. Large supermarkets are seeking out town centre opportunities.


If it materialises ,could be good for Dover, quality competition is good for an area.


Roger, Dover
Thursday, 14 February 2008 - 7:35am

It certainly will be a shame big-time if the Carnival doesn't go ahead, but I don't believe it was just DDC being nasty that stopped it - they don't do nasty !

Mandie Sehmbi Dover Carnival Association Limited Chairman, Dover
Wednesday, 13 February 2008 - 10:31am

It is with great sadness that I have to inform you all that this years Dover Carnival scheduled for saturday July 5th WILL NOW NOT TAKE PLACE!!!


Terry Nunn, London Road, speaking after the Archbishop's rumblings on Sharia Law...
Sunday, 10 February 2008 - 8:01am

"Beware of men in frocks"


Roger W, Dover
Monday, 4 February 2008 - 8:46am

I've just heard that a Muslim (or any religion where it is allowed) man who has several wives, can claim benefit for each of them.

Is it legal in England to take several wives ??

(Has Roger got a plan for an income boost!!...PB)

Mandie Sehmbi, Dover, addressing DDC's Sue Nicholas.......
Friday, 1 February 2008 - 5:14pm

Thought todays carnival meeting went quite well in the end Sue.

(clearly one to note under 'famous last words'! PB)

howard mcsweeney, following yours truly's description of the recent power failure being as dark as an Irish bog at midnight, said....
Monday, 28 January 2008 - 8:39pm

irish bog at midnight?

you are not graham norton, are you?

Vic Matcham, River
Monday, 28 January 2008 - 7:00pm

I can see by the post that there is no more interest in my life story so I will not be doing any more but thank you for your comments in the past and I did like doing it, but all things come to an end at some point.


kathy, high street
Saturday, 26 January 2008 - 11:26am

Talking of cash it is a real shame to see the corn mill struggle. it is a lovely venue and I hope lots of people will support it and keep the doors open. Being new to Dover I have never seen anything quite like the mill and would like the chance to enjoy a few events there rather than having to discuss any closure threat.

howard mcsweeney, dover
Friday, 25 January 2008 - 7:35pm

getting back to tcm.
the fact of the matter is, it is losing members.
that is the fault of nobody except tcm.

on the plus side, good to see terry join in things there.
a bit of old fashioned common sense and get up and go will be helpful.


Keith Sansum, working as a volunteer in priory, after a political onslaught from BarryW said...
Friday, 25 January 2008 - 2:42pm

but barryw i still luvs yer!!


Roger Walkden, Dover
Friday, 25 January 2008 - 12:07pm

Hi Sue

I agree with almost all of what you have said, but I do believe that the body of TCM should have funding from either or both of the District and Town Councils.
I understand that almost every other Town Centre Management receive funding from their local authority, as they (the local authority) appreciate the enormous benefit of such a movement - if it is being run well.


suenicholas, river
Friday, 25 January 2008 - 9:08am

Im writing re the comments about TCM.I have had meetings with the previous manager also the curent one.I put forward many suggestions and was advised "Not my role".I believe a Town Centre Manager should be seeking to encourage business ie better window displays ,ensuring their properties are kept clean and most importantly staff training.To seek to bring business back into town .I have written on several occasions to get a certain shoe shop .We need a wet fish shop.
Town Centre Manager is not about events.Leave that to the community.TCM should stand on its own feet ,hence the reduction in funding from DDC.


Roger Walkden, Dover
Friday, 25 January 2008 - 7:42am

My concern is for the body and reputation of Town Centre Management; who ever is running the show, or directing what should be done there, is not doing a good job - all TCM's major supporters have now left and so has most of his money - you must ask yourself why, surely.

howard mcsweeney, dover
Thursday, 24 January 2008 - 7:48pm

what gets to me paul is that we have two weekly newspapers plus free sheets, yet to find out what is going on, people have to come on here for info about the town.

they have full time staff, but cannot come up with better local photos.

(i couldnt resist this one! PB)
RogerW following on from B W-S below.........
Thursday, 24 January 2008 - 6:35am

For TCM to survive (and its members) there needs to be change there; either in direction and some action, or at the top - or both; but they are decisions that the Board of Directors will have to make and if things don't change soon, there won't be a TCM - or is that the idea ?

It's almost like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car - transfixed, doesn't now what to do, or is incapable of doing anything and then the inevitable happens - it's dead !

Barry W-S, Dover
Wednesday, 23 January 2008 - 10:35am

There were enough members for the TCM AGM meeting last night, I attended the meeting which went well with Terry Nunn joining the board as company secretary in place of the outgoing Peter Drew, and the board was re-elected en bloc. This was an interesting meeting following the announcement of future cutbacks in funding from DDC and DTC and other areas which were reported in the local media last week. The membership has reduced to 69 members at present and it was announced that annual membership will increase from £25 to £35 per annum with immediate effect. Also the lease on their premises expires in March 08 but there is a renewable clause in place. TCM will be 11 years old in July 08


Roger Walkden on the EIGHT BELLS................
Wednesday, 23 January 2008 - 7:33am

I have seen people coming out of there, chucking up on the pavement, laughing, and then staggering down the road - and this is lunchtime !


Monday, 21 January 2008 - 10:59pm
Keith Sansum said.....

boy am i glad im out of being a cllr


Monday, 21 January 2008 - 8:50am
Keith Sansum said....

My only comment would be that anyone found causing anti social behaviour should be dealt with on an equal basis in the interest of fairness.

Sunday, 20 January 2008 - 11:10pm
Mandie Sehmbi said......
Roger, Your comments actually border on racism. Just because there is Anti social behaviour. You cannot automatically assume that the perpetraitors are from Eastern Europe.

You need to retract your statement.


Sunday, 20 January 2008 - 6:18pm
Cllr Roger Walkden said....

Are these "English speaking people", or from Eastern Europe, and don't know how to behave here ?

Saturday, 19 January 2008 - 9:22pm
howard mcsweeney said..........

everyone ready for a laugh.

evrything going off tonight around here, not crime so much as a ridiculous amount of noise and rowdy behaviour.

people knock on my door for advice, no idea why.

so, i picked up the telephone directory, rang environmental health for the noise people, then antisocial behaviour people.
guess what!!!!
answering machines each time saying that they can be contacted monday to friday during office hours.
can you believe that???
let us hope that fire, ambulance and police services do not follow suit.


Saturday, 19 January 2008 - 1:13pm
Cllr Roger Walkden said......

There are indeed some great independant shops here in Dover, but all of them are struggling - struggling against rising costs of business rates, greedy landlords who want to maintain their property portfolio value, so keep rents high, plus the other costs of gas, electricity, phone and of course, their stock.

Income-wise there is a problem too because the customers are not coming through their door as often as they could/should, so their spend is not very much, therefore they are not tradng at the level their business rates would suggest they are.

Many properties in the Town Centre (and elsewhere) are not being looked after, but neglected to become an eyesore.

People lose pride because all around them they see scruffy buildings, they go to places like Hastings where many of their old buildings were smartened up a few short years ago - through enforcement.

I know it seems I am always having a go, but much of what needs to be done, should be done by TCM - including increasing Tourism and helping to make Dover a destination with Group Travel.


Friday, 18 January 2008 - 9:50pm Roger, Dover

Michelle Shepperd , Whitfield, Leading Hotel Manager said...

Festival of Dover 2008 - What can I say that hasnt already been said! I repeat my thoughts on the one meeting of the steering group I had the misfortune to attend. Most of you know my love of Dover is deep routed and with bonifide Dover Blood running through my veins I was excited at the opportunities that this Festival could bring to our Town, what a disappointment it was for me. The people involved in the Steering Group are individually well natured and very vocal in their passion for the Festival and Dover itself, however there was not much Steering going on at the Steering Group Meeting, they discussed the same items on the agenda as the previous meeting (according to the minutes they gave me on arrival) they profaricated over the importance of such a Festival, they avoided commitment on when the website would be available and they made absolutely no commitments to what they would achieve before their next meeting! Disappointed I left feeling that they were beyond help and went on to lend my support to other worthy causes.

I did however ask for a copy of the calendar to be emailed to me, which it eventually was after the second time of asking - I got a calendar of Parish Meetings/WI meetings etc.. which to be perfectly honest was a complete let down.

We have some fantastically committed people running events throughout the year with Dover Film Festival, World War II, Western Heights Preservation Society, Dickens, Carnival, Regatta, Blackfish and all those wonderfully talented musicians to name but a few. The onus was on them to contact the Festival Committee to be included in the Calendar, why wasnt someone tasked with pulling them all together, getting their dates and ensuring they were included? No Steering involved as far as I can see.

Friday, 18 January 2008 - 6:50pm
Jacqui Whatson, Dover said.......

Oh here we go again - more self congratulatory rubbish from Mr Matcham! Having trawled through a long posting, with virtually no punctuation or use of grammar, all it is attempting to say is that he is important and the whole Dover Festival fiasco is his responsibility.

Thursday, 17 January 2008 - 11:11pm
Cllr Sue Nicholas, River said........

Just to carry on the theme of people who work for our community with little reward.Two examples. We have a lady who works in the Dover Age Concern shop unpaid and with her helpers has raised thousands of pounds for the benefit of the elderly who visit Riveside.The second lady has just retired after thirty odd years running the luncheon club at our Methodist church ,again unpaid. Sadly no one has come forward to replace her so the luncheon club has folded.I have not mentioned their names so as to protect their privacy.Wonderful ladies but no write up or photo in the paper.There are the volunteers who run the soup kitchen no praise or reward .We have volunteers from our Methodist who take deprived children on holiday no reward.

Thursday, 17 January 2008 - 11:42am
Barry Wadsworth-Smith said.....

Looking through the local papers today I am amazed that there is no coverage of the storm in the Dover Express, it made the front page of the Dover Mercury, the TV & Radio, & all the media. Odd.

Sunday, 13 January 2008 - 7:08pm
Howard McSweeney said.... on wounded duck in River Dour

1) whiilst trying to lure the victim to the bank, so that i could do something, i noticed
so many items in the river that could choke a small wildfowl,
loads of metal ring pulls, bits of balloons, least i think that was what they were.....


Sunday, 13 January 2008 - 7:03pm

Cllr Roger Walkden said... re the article by Kathy Bailes in Dover Express on TCM

According to the paper David (Somers)wants me to shut up! (I'm not mentioned by name, but the quotes used are mine).

Thursday, 10 January 2008 - 12:40pm
Vic Matcham, River.

I am not going to take much part in local politics like I did, I have walked away from all that..

9 January 2008 at 11:01 am in Latest Comment section(News Release Items)
Cllr Roger Walkden said......on the new parking charges....

I know you won't like me for saying this ( Nigel Collor), but, ......
It ( the parking increase) is wrong in spirit and morally wrong too.
I do not consider the increase from £1.00 to £1.60 (in some cases to £1.80) as modest or fair; it will encourage shoppers NOT to come into Dover as they can go elsewhere and park for free or cheaper.

We do not have the quality of shops - department stores etc. here, and people will not be able to shop in Dover, pop into a Cafe or somewhere for lunch, when half the cost of their lunch will be spent on their car-parking.

We should be supporting the Town's fragile retail businesses, not encouraging their customers to go elsewhere to shop.

I thought it was particularly mean to put up the charging time to 6pm instead of leaving it at 5pm.

There are many other ways in which this money could have been raised,
this was not the way to do it.


Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 3:55pm

Cllr Sue Nicholas said..... ( on the new seafront parking layout)

This scheme was ill thought out and should be redesigned.
I did tell Nigel(Collor) but it fell on deaf ears.....

Monday, 31 December 2007 - 6:37pm

Ken Tranter said..............
In any Council it is the Councillors who make recommendations to other Councillors on what they believe would benefit their constituents, and it is then the responsibility of officers to ensure those recommendations once approved are carried through in a professional and positive manner.
The current Town Clerk had no problem maximising publicity for his TCM or Masonic events but judging by previous comments made on this forum cannot do so for his current employers, DTC.


Monday, 31 December 2007 - 11:30am

Ken Tranter said....

I take full responsibility for the poor performance of DTC. It was I who appointed a Town Clerk at £40k, Deputy Town Clerk £25k and Project Manager all of whose talents it appears cannot convert the hard work of its Councillors into well publicised events.
Keith I would have joined your mother, Jim Hood and John Goodwin in resigning when the Town Clerk was appointed, but the honour of Town Mayor was to great to sacrifice for the sake of an inconsequential self promoting appointee.

Saturday, 29 December 2007 - 9:11pm

Howard McSweeney said.....

Reading all these posts, it is clear that today( Festival Balloon Launch) was a bit of a disaster.

It is tempting to apportion blame.

Maybe instead, lessons can be learned, and better planning and promotion used.

We all know that a lot of effort is made by people, and we have had some great events. The carnival gets better every year, the town council's fun days are just that.
it is just the "letting people know" bit, that is lacking.
I am sorry to see Victor(Matcham) making comments on people "getting off of their backsides" hurting a lot of people that do excatly that.

Saturday, 15 December 2007 - 10:49am

Cllr Sue Nicholas said.....

Just a thought.Im busy reading paper work for cabinet on Monday.Paul you should get a copy of the agenda.
With all this talk of Christmas and why dont we have large departmental Stores.
70% of council tenants are on benefits and overall with those including another 4000 people in private rented accomodation plus another 9,100 in the private sector thats 16,200 residents on benefits.There is not the spend power in our district.Those who have an income support all the others??Some people have never worked in their life many teenage mums never ever earnt a penny and some very elderly people who manage on a basic pension.
This is what life is about .Does it make you feel cheery.
Travel around on buses you will see the poverty.
Im very lucky i receive a pension from my late husbands employers if this was not so I too would be on benefits.£100 per week would not go far.
So when people on here go on about better class shops think on some of our residents can only afford the pound and charity shops.

Cllr Roger Walkden said in Latest Comment(News Release Items).....

TCM - I have to be careful here as every time I pass a comment of any description it is interpreted as sour grapes, but fingers crossed.

Davis Somers is indeed a low-key, introvert person - on his own admission, he speaks nicely, as far as I am aware never rude nor shouts.

I was told a few weeks ago that his role is events manager - that's it, just organising events.

Forgive for saying this, but Dover doesn't want a quietly-spoken person, who just sits and organises events.
Dover needs an extrovert person, who will be "out there" talking to shops and businesses every day, finding out what their concerns and worries are; shouting on their behalf if necessary - shouting on behalf of Dover; finding out how he can help them - not how they can help him (TCM).

Dover Town needs someone who will work on their behalf; lobby for change and not just accept it; promote the businesses actively; increase the remit of TCM, not decrease it.
The role of TCM should be read in the title - Town Centre MANAGEMENT.

Do you know the number of members TCM now have Mandie ?

Dover Town Centre will and is gaining importance and as such should be talking to DDC, DHB and Dover Pride and others all the time about developments here in Dover; they should also be members of the National Association of Town Centre Management, which they are not (at the moment - unless they've joined very recently).

ATCM have meetings and seminars in various locations around the South (a big area I know) and many of these are very pertinent to Dover - Coastal Town Regeneration, Increasing Tourism; BIDs (Business Improvement Districts); Managing Your Town and so on.

There is so much more that could/should be done, than just organising events; I'm not saying that TCM should not be organising events, although having said that, Dover Town Council have a guy for raising funds, maybe he could be the Town's event organiser as well and TCM could be what I believe it should be - the Town's Retail Businesses Support Body.

There, not too many sour grapes (none actually).

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