Jeane's New Book.

7 December 2007

...or the further adventures of Jeane Trend-Hill.

Many of you, of course, will be very familiar with Jeane. She ran her Psychic Corner on doverforum for many years and very successfully too. Her ongoing blog was a must for many of us. All that came to an abrubt end sadly, when we closed our successful Forum down, as we sought new directions, new avenues. But this did not slow Jeane down. Not a bit of it.

Jeane wrote many articles for us over the years, but that was just a springboard to wider success. In more recent times she herself, as a personality, has been featured widely, not only on web pages, but on the printed page in many national magazines and even in our own Dover Mercury. Hardly a month goes by without seeing an article on her in some mag or other....and of course not only is she featured as a psychic celeb, but she writes for many magazines too. She has also recently published two large artistic tomes on the monuments in nationwide cemetaries, which heavily featured her connections with Dover.

Now pictured here is her latest publication. This is somewhat of a departure for Jeane, but nevertheless a very welcome departure. While in Dover recently on a flying visit, Jeane rescued a near dead blackbird she found lying by the wayside gasping for life in Whitfield, she took him back to her home in Essex and nursed him back to ruddy rude health. This book is loosely that story, as I understand it.

Jeane sent me this email below....and as you can see she is again also newly featured in another publication..

"Well it's finally happened, 'The story of Magic' my first children’s book is now available. It's a heart-warming tale loosely based on my recently finding an injured blackbird in Whitfield and nursing him back to health! I'm also currently working on an article about him with It's Fate magazine.

Other news - my story in the January issue of Fate and Fortune is out now (scan attached.) Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc the American best selling horror writer has asked me to collaborate on a book with her later next year. I can't believe it, I'm really honoured as she has never collaborated with anyone before!

Check out 'The story of Magic' here: "

I will ask Jeane to contribute a bit more info to the comment section below which will fill us in further.
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