The Front Page. - Copy 129 (Peter Whittlesea,Icelandic Money, Connaught Pk, White Horse pics).

2 October 2010

See the Peter Whittlesea post in our comments section below. Peter is of course from BBCTV and filmed in Market Square on wednesday at 2.30 in the afternoon. A number of our forum members turned out having seen Peter's post here on Doverforum.


Caught the programme which went out at 6.30 last night and was delighted to see that they majorly featured three of our tip top forumites. Our associate editor Howard McSweeney was on in fine style, as was our Deputy Mayor David Hannent, and indeed our newest entrepreneur Jenni Sutton whose bridal shop Country Brides in Castle St is to be officially opened by the Mayor today thursday. We shall be there with camera at the ready all being well. We have pictures of the guys on the TV too, every one a star, but alas we are experiencing some technical problems at the moment so will have to hold the pictures back...but only for the moment ! So dont relax guys, we've got you covered! PB

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Could this be bad news for our lost money?

The latest press release from Labour casts doubt on us ever seeing much change from the huge fortune we have invested in Icelandic banks. With more than a £1,000,000 invested, it now appears we are likely to get back just loose change....but read on....

Not Banking on the Icelandic Kronur !

The Local Government Association, which is handling negotiations and legal proceedings for the recovery of councils’ investments in the failed Icelandic banks, has confirmed that Dover District Council may get less of its money back from Iceland than at first thought and it will take longer.

Labour Leader Gordon Cowan said:
“The Local Government Association told the Council back in July that other creditors of the Icelandic bank, Landsbanki, were challenging the decision to treat British and Dutch councils as preferred creditors. As a preferred creditor Dover District Council would hope to recover some 90% of the £1 million it invested. If the other creditors win their case, Dover will be lucky to get 30% back. On top of that repayments, if and when they come, are likely to be in Icelandic kronur.”

Mike Eddy, Labour Group Finance spokesman on the Council, says: “Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan was praising the Icelandic economy to the skies even as the island’s banks collapsed. He has yet to apologise to the British people and to his Conservative friends in local government who followed his advice. No doubt the Conservatives will tell us to think ourselves lucky that the Icelandic krona is 10% stronger now than it was 6 months ago, but I suspect the council taxpayers of Dover District won’t be too impressed with that.”

Mike Eddy added:
“One of the few good things to come out of this is that the District Council now actually follows its investments, and the first annual report was presented to the full council meeting on 29 September.” Ends.

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You will remember dear reader the feature we did recently on the sad state of the Connaught Park pond. This feature, with some excellent pictures, can still be found on page two of our section called ALL RECENT FEATURES. You will remember that the pond and its wildlife, fish etc, were decaying and dying. This latest picture just in from reader Peter Hart, who supplied the info and pictures first time round, shows the pond being drained down to the bare bones of it. Nothing left, no water, no life.

Peter Hart asks
"Now that the pond has been sucked up.. I wonder what happened to the fish, frogs and newts. I thought newts and their habitat were protected."

Well indeed they are as we understand it too. Heavens ! in an ideal world they will have been shipped and re-housed, or is that asking the impossible. Many of our readers are Connaught Park enthusiasts and are very disappointed about the sad state of the pond.

"The pond will fill up again after heavy rain so what was the point of killing off the wild life and destroying their home."
says Peter.

The Matt Bristow Photo Exhibition
at the White Horse Inn.

Quite a large crowd which included a considerable handful of well known forumites, including the editorial team, popped over to the White Horse Inn last friday night to see the exhibition of photographs by Matt Bristow. Matt is one of our newer members here on Doverforum so it was a real joy to see his work on display. These included small framed prints of local scenes all the way up to large and superbly colourful canvas prints. My particular favourites was a wide angled canvas print of a gloriously peaceful woodland scene. Really good. You can feel nature coming through its pores as it were.

The White Horse Inn was having a very good friday night and was buzzing with smiling faces and of course delicious hot food, we ordered a fine meal from the menu and relaxed into the atmosphere watched over by Matt's pictures. If you want to see the pictures then pop along to the White Horse Inn. They are on sale in a range roughly from £20 to £70.

Picture above shows Matt Bristow with wife Jo having a fun time at the White Horse Inn. In the centre gazing heavenwards is Lani the lovely star of the show. In the background on the right hand side you can see one of Matt's deliciously blue snow scened canvas prints.

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