1 December 2010 We have spoken often on Doverforum over the years with a considerable degree of admiration at the way they keep the Port running and fully operational through this kind of weather. Almost everything else in the country has ceased running, the airports are closed, rail passengers are stranded overnight in abysmal conditions, that's if you can get on a train at all, the motorways are impassable, and the side roads...well forget it! But through all this snowflake induced mayhem, the Port of Dover keeps running. A terrific well done to all the workers freezing their extremities off down there in the frontline...so that the truckers stocking our shops can keep going. Just when we on Doverforum were contemplating all this in admiration... a press release arrived in from DHB saying much the same thing, so we will happily reproduce it here with a well done message to all.
The picture on the left shows a gaggle of trucks and cars emerging from the docks yesterday having just landed on UK soil. This at the peak of the miserable conditions.
The following is a press release from DHB.....
Port of Dover – managing the port, managing the weather.
First it was the snow causing Eurostar problems, then it was volcanic ash causing airlines problems and now we are back to snow but this time it is planes, trains and automobiles (as the film title goes) which are all grinding to a halt.
However, amidst the travel chaos throughout the past 12 months, there exists a port which together with the ferries sailing from it, continues to operate unperturbed by the challenges which seem to overwhelm other forms of transport.
Once more, as the UK seizes up in the grip of severe weather, the team at the resilient Port of Dover continues to manage and operate the UK’s premier international ferry port, ensuring that people and goods are able to move in the build up to Christmas.
Bob Goldfield, Chief Executive, Port of Dover said, “to keep such an important national asset fully functioning under such extreme conditions is a testament to the capability and skill of all those who manage and operate the port. As one of the UK’s key gateways and handling £80 billion of trade each year, it is vital that we have the right team to do the job. Such a demonstration of ability as we see during such challenging weather clearly illustrates we have the right people doing the job and I congratulate them all.” ENDS.
Another chance to see Michael Gough's (Son of Gill) stunning picture from last year. The picture and some other ones of similar nature were very popular with one and all. It is a very appropriate image at the moment, as we all struggle manfully through the white stuff. Lots of threads in our Members Club Forum about the weather and more pictures there. The picture above was taken from the helicopter at Michael's disposal...so if you are looking in Michael thanks again for the picture, and if you get any more and indeed if you manage to get your helicopter airborne, then do send me some more. The pictures were greatly appreciated by all the readers of Doverforum. PB. dover7@msn.com
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There is a By-Election coming up on December 16 following the death of Roger Frayne. Roger held seats on all three councils DTC DDC KCC. These seats are being contested. Forumite Vic Matcham is standing in all three seats backed by UKIP and here immediately below is his election press release. We are happy to run a press release for everybody universally in the interests of fairness. So if anyone else wants to get their message out on this the Doverforum frontpage, which is very well read as you can see, send in a press release/statement to me PaulB on dover7@msn.com.
Here now the UKIP press release.....
Dover UKIP would like to announce that long-time servant of Dover Vic Matcham will be standing as a candidate for the by-election caused by the sad death of Tory Councillor Roger Frayne; Vic will be standing for Dover Town Council, Dover District Council and Kent County Council following the decision taken by UKIP national HQ to back the stance taken by Mr Matcham to oppose the sale of the Port of Dover in any format.
“There will be many people who voted for Charlie Elphicke at the General Election in May simply because he publicly opposed the sale of the port under any circumstances”, explains River resident Vic Matcham,
“and who will have felt betrayed by his actions since being elected to office. Within weeks Mr Elphicke had come up with his own plan for the so-called people’s port, which represents a complete u-turn from his pre-election promise of opposing the sale of the port.”
UKIP feel that they represent the only available option for voters who are wholly against the privatisation of the port in any guise. The “People’s Port” is being sold to voters as a way of the port remaining in local hands, but the truth is far removed from that – it is actually just a fraction of the shares being sold that will be offered to local people, the vast majority will be sold off to corporate investors both domestic and from abroad, something UKIP feel should not be allowed.
Mr Matcham continues :
“Dover has been a profitable contributor to the Crown since being granted its Royal Charter in 1606, and remains so to this day. Why should we allow any or part of the profits made by the Port to fall into the hands of foreign investors, whilst it still returns decent profits for Her Majesty’s Government? In the 80s the Conservatives were accused of selling the family silver, and the same accusation has been levelled at New Labour recently; the only party that can be relied upon to put the interests of Great Britain first is UKIP and I urge all Dovorians who want to see Dover Harbour Board remain part of the Crown to vote UKIP come polling day.”
Vic had previously announced his intention to retire from active politics but felt the need to continue in order to represent those who do not support the sale of the Port of Dover.
UKIP national HQ are hoping to send new party leader Nigel Farage to Dover in order to support Vic Matcham’s campaign. UKIP view Dover as an iconic symbol of Great Britain, and the sale of the Port of Dover has been likened to selling off England itself; by supporting Vic Matcham’s campaign for election on an anti-privatisation of Dover ticket, UKIP is reinforcing the old adage that Great Britain, or any part of it, is not for sale to anyone.
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