The Front Page. - Copy 156 ( Paul Watkins on the EK Investment Plan and on Council Sharing)

14 January 2011

An interesting first step towards the amalgamation of council services. Some people are very keen because it saves money, very important in this day and age, and some are against fearing the further remoteness of councils and job losses..what do you think?...comments welcome below.
New Release on the East Kent Investment Plan now added below.

Joint statement from Dover District Council Leader, Councillor Paul Watkins
and...Shepway District Council Leader, Councillor Robert Bliss.

Further to discussions today (11th January) between Dover District Council and Shepway District Council Cabinet Members, it is the intention of both Cabinets to progress the move to a shared corporate management team, starting with the appointment of a joint Head of Paid Service between both authorities.

A draft protocol has been agreed in principle, which will be put to a simultaneous executive meeting in February 2011 with formal recommendations being made to the respective councils in early March 2011. It is hoped that the process of appointing a joint Head of Paid Service will be concluded in June 2011.

The draft protocol sets out in principle the way forward to achieve financial savings whilst protecting frontline services.

Added Footnotes:

1. This process maintains the sovereignty of each District Council
2. At this stage, it is envisaged that the process involves the respective Chief Executive and Corporate Management Team members of both councils
3. No positions are at risk until formal decisions are adopted by both councils
4. Cost of delivering the project will be shared equally between both councils.

The pictures above and below show the Leader of Dover District Council Paul Watkins.

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Just in...


A major plan setting out key priorities for investment for the future of East Kent has been approved by Dover District Council’s Cabinet this week.

The East Kent Local Investment Plan 2011-2026 has been drawn up by the East Kent Local Strategic Partnership on behalf of a wide range of community partners. This includes Dover District Council and other East Kent Local Authorities, Kent County Council, and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).

The plan looks at key strategic priorities for East Kent, and major projects for each district to bring investment, jobs and housing for the future. Key projects include Dover Port, Waterfront and Town Centre, and the A2 corridor. It has been brought together to inform future investment decisions for Dover District and East Kent, including through the Local Enterprise Partnership and other programmes where appropriate.

Cllr Paul Watkins, Leader of Dover District Council, said: “We are delighted to approve the East Kent Local Investment Plan. It is vital that we continue to work with all partners to make the strongest case for future investment for Dover District and East Kent. The strategic and local priorities from a Dover perspective add value to East Kent, and a number of local schemes are already ‘construction ready’ and will continue to bring major private sector investment to the area.

“The work already undertaken in a range of areas in Dover District, including having Growth Point Status and our Local Development Framework in place, has set firm foundations for growth, and with the approval of the East Kent LIP, we are looking forward to seeing continued regeneration and investment for the future of the area.”
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