12 March 2012Pictures of the Richborough Towers Demolition coming shortly....And here we are...
Extra Cliff Fall pic below.
Pictures by Paul Scotchie Wells.
That famous and familiar landmark at Richborough, came tumbling down yesterday Sunday in a giant controlled explosion. Thousands stood and watched from every vantage point, still cameras and movie cameras at the ready, as the famous or infamous Cooling Towers, depending on your point of view, crashed to earth in spectacular fashion.
Explosives had been placed around the base of the towers and detonated in sequence...all went off with a considerable bang and down they came in unison. Top picture shows the moment of explosion and picture left shows the once noted landmark as rubble.
Our ace photographer Paul Scotchie Wells was on hand to capture the moment of destruction.
See more on the thread in our Forum..video and stills. http://www.doverforum.com/letters/viewtopic.php?id=9758
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Cliff Fall: Saturday morning found us all staring at a sudden whitening of the cliffs here in Dover. Yes indeed. Dover's famous White Cliffs are now even whiter than they were before, as a huge section has come tumbling thundering down into the sea below. As you can see in the picture left, it all happened quite near to the docks. One of our forumites asked if there is a contingency plan in the docks for such a situation, should the fall happen within those parameters.
With a fall on this scale it would be difficult to have a contingency plan for.
Note the figure in the picture above. Standing there, teethering on the very edge as this person is... is not a good idea. You may think you are safe but just look at the scale of it all. That piece could just as easily go. The huge amount of recent rain has clearly softened the cliffs and further falls could happen. Stay away from the edge.
Here is an extra picture taken late in the evening yesterday monday just as a shaft of gentle sunlight struck the cliffs. If it gets too bright, such as at midday for example, the effect is limited as everything goes totally white, but a touch of late sun delicacy shows the fall more...and here we are. The seagull flew into the shot right on cue.
See also our Forum for more pictures.
http://www.doverforum.com/letters/viewtopic.php?id=9751 Further excellent pictures there from forumites Helen, Phil, James....
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