With The Mayor at The Town Hall Spring Ball.

9 March 2008

The Mayor's Charity Night Raises £1600.
The Blue Lamp: Mayor Bob Markham and Mayoress Lyn Young under the spotlight! As they took to the dancefloor for the first time, they were suddenly picked up by the beam of a magical spotlight from on high, it caught the moment in true Hollywood style. Bob looking every inch the latter day Humphrey Bogart as he shimmied Lyn across the floor in that inimitable style.The popular duo were great hosts.
Colette Boland doing her Doverforum PR visitations. In the pic on the left with the very pleasant trio of Pam Drew and Peter Drew, well known local enterpreneurs, with Georgette Rapley of the Mayor's Goodwill Fund, all enjoying the occasion. The pic on the right with of course our very own Terry and Maureen Nunn. Doesn't Terry scrub up well. Yes indeed he does, so we are for sure putting him forward as the next James Bond. Looking Great!
Mayor Bob presented flowers to a few notables who had helped him greatly during the year. Here we see the ever lovely and glamourous Hotelier Adeline Reidy with a gorgeous display after just being presented. A huge round of applause rang out across the hall, so a well done Adeline, and many thanks for all the work you put in quietly on behalf of Dover.
A welcome group of visiting dignitaries but alas alas my notes have failed me on this one....
If anyone knows who they are exactly please let me know. Clive Wire of course on left as per picture below.
Just had the following in from our good friend the Town Sergeant Bryan Walker...
"Hi Paul
Looking through the photos from last Friday, the names that you are loooking for in the photo next to Cllr Clive Wire, The Right Worshipful the Town Mayor of New Romney and Speaker of the Confederation of the Cinque Ports (!) are:

Mrs Frances Wire (Mayoress of New Romney) Cllr Peter Gane (Mayor of Folkestone) and Mrs Gianna Clarke (Mayoress of Folkestone)

Best regards, Bryan, Town Sergeant." Many thanks Bryan.
More flowers were presented and this time to Councillor Ronnie Philpott. Ronnie is another one of those tireless workers behind the scenes and instrumental too in organising these events for charity at the Town Hall. A lovely person too and well deserved of course of the excellent bouquet.The picture on the right shows more of the visiting dignitaries, the Mayor of Lydd and escort, Cllr Vicki Dawson and guest Mrs Pat Waddell.

The pulsating rhytmn, the swirling dancefloor, the throbbing beat, and that was just my head after a fair few glasses of the house grape. But no I jest I do...I speak of course of the fantastic dancing. Just look at that gorgeous dress and shoes shimmering and swirling in the low light.
Mayoral reunion. Former Mayor, our very own lovely Cllr Jan Tranter, meets up again after some time with Cllr Clive Wire the Mayor of New Romney. Then on right we have the superCool Nordic blonde Alison Williams with ColetteB and both looking lovely as ever. These girls are great fun and know how to trip the light fantastic!..or so Ive been told!
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