Guest 670- Registered: 23 Apr 2008
- Posts: 573
I too am with Barry W. £250 + VAT for a meal, ridiculous, that's more than what a lot of people can afford on food in a month.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
The Leader of DDC is certainly not "hapless" as you call him.
The whole point of this Gala Dinner is to raise funds for the very expensive week-end we are all going to enjoy.
It started out as a Corporate affair and has already raised many thousands for the various events going on that week-end. The fact that it is now opened out to the general public, is just to raise more.
I have no idea if Paul's wife is going, I'm not overly concerned either, if it is going to bring Dover a lot of benefits, surely that's what matters.
No one is being forced to attend and I'm sure there will be a very good reason why those who do attend, attend.
To be honest, I'd have thought that BarryW could benefit quite a lot from attending such a dinner.
Guest 660- Registered: 14 Mar 2008
- Posts: 3,205
Hang on we were talking about the Chairman going now we are talking about the Leader,anyone else for the gravy train,step aboard only £250 + vat don't worry if you don't want to pay if you are a Cllr it will come out of the Ratepayers purse!
If you knew what I know,we would both be in trouble!
Guest 670- Registered: 23 Apr 2008
- Posts: 573
Precisely JHG, perhaps the freeeloaders amongst the Councillors could form an orderly queue, the good old council tax payer will foot the bill.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
my understanding was that it was the chairperson not the fuhrer that would be attending the dinner.
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
and who is the chairperson?.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i may be wrong brian, but i believe it to be a mr butcher.
should be on the ddc website though.
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
mmm well thats to interpitaion isnt it.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
This is not about giving Councillors a Freebie, with the ratepayers footing the bill and I'm not a part of the body who decides who's going, but I would think that it is up to the Chairman (Bernard Butcher) who decides who is on his table - it's his budget.
Every Chairman has a budget, they have done for years and it's not a large budget being as he/she is number one Citizen across the whole District with many functions he has to hold.
The Chairman is the Civic side of the Council, the Leader is the Political side and it's the political side where the decisions are made and that is why Paul Watkins will be there - to talk to the many people Shell and other Corporate bodies are inviting.
Like I said many times before, this started out as a Corporate Gala Dinner to raise funds for the whole week-end's events and activities. If the tickets were just £50 you wouldn't raise anywhere near as much money and so the week-end couldn't go ahead.
For Dover to raise its game, we have to be able to show we can hold a big event and this week-end will be a big event.
Guest 656- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 2,262
Surely this whole weekend doesn't depend on raising funds from a whopping £250.00 per head Gala Dinner ticket for the elite
The other thing of note on their official website is that outside stalls and stands within the themed tented areas along the Dover seafront range from an extortionate £324.00 to £700.00 plus vat which incidentally closed for bookings on 5th May!
Such a huge celebratory weekend, which no doubt will be great for Dover and tourists alike, shouldn't just depend on the monies being raised from these very high revenue streams. 'Bring back the Olympic Flame to Dover' celebrations with its fabulous firework display and an open bar for invited guests at the Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club was a great success, if memory serves me right I think major funding came from KCC involving DDC/DTC?
Guest 670- Registered: 23 Apr 2008
- Posts: 573
On the 'open page' a poster claims that each table holds between 12/14 people or in terms of cash £3500.00 plus VAT. Should the C ouncil be taking the whole table, maybe it is about time we had access to the breakdown of their expenses.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
all expenses of councillors are published on the ddc website.
i have never seen anything particularly striking, all seems above board to me.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
If Parliamentarian were expected to abide by the kind of rule councillors are then it would not be mired in the scandals it has now. If anything councillor's are expected to work within restrictions that are too tight in many ways so they can be hindered in their representative role.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
I'll just make a couple of final comments on this thread.
Paul Watkins does not have cronies and he is and has been the most dynamic Leader, the District Council has had for many, many years.
His ability to punch above our (Dover's) weight on matters of stratgeic and regional investment in Dover is down to him and the Chief Executive.
It's not easy to achieve "Growth-Point" status which allows Dover access to even more funding, which is now coming on stream.
Don't underestimate his aspirations for Dover - it is far from his fault that the regeneration hasn't yet started, that is due to land-ownership issues which are the responsibility of the Developers to resolve - and they are being chased.
I can only assume that your comments are down to lack of knowledge of what is going on at the top - and there is an awful lot.
There may be a lack of communication; I do think that perhaps the "message" should be given out more often and the reasons for these or any delays, given out on a regular basis.
What is the difference between spending an allowance over 12 months or 1, if it is such an important event for Dover ? The Chairman has decided that this is such an important event for Dover, so will be frugal with the other 11 months.
There won't be an event if all you can do is grumble on and on; this is a "good-news" story for Dover and you have torn it to shreds.
Guest 648- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 258
Lovely Roger.Its not that some of us dont want to see some kind of celebration its just the cost .I once asked our lovely Bernard if we could go back to having a Civic Service (before yours and Nigels time )To show some kind of unity etc .He would not agree the cost .A few biscuits and a cup of coffee .I would have gladly paid for the refreshments required .Can you not see how this kind of expense for the said dinner is perceived by the public .
I once famously said and you know im well known for my unusual statements ."I may wish to buy my underwear ( well it was a bit more expicit than that)from Harrods but i can only afford Wollies " Get my drift in this economic climate it dont look good .Yes we will have fireworks yet again all money going up in the air when a few flowers and indeed decent toilets are what is needed .If i hear once more the youg people want a bowling alley or cinema ,when with drive and passion these could be achievable .
Like someone said on another thread its words ,words and it was words that was my downfall.
Still I shall be in Market Square with my friends to watch the opera drinking my pimms .I think half a dozen of us will be there .Might be in time for my birthday celebration .Hats wll be worn.
Guest 670- Registered: 23 Apr 2008
- Posts: 573
Well said Sue, the whole thing stinks with no doubt the usual suspects benefitting, hapless leader and his entourage, and what will be the outcome, we shall no doubt be told,very useful meetings (nothing was achieved) much interest in Dover (no money though or development) or words, words and yet more words.
Few have drive or passion anymore Sue, apathy has set, in the hapless Leader and his crones are our servants and we have a right to know what is going on but no we are not worthy enough to be kept up-to-date.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,019
Now Im on the back benches I shall be asking questions .Dave 1 any member of the public can apply in writing and put forward a question at Full Council.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
I've been keeping you up to date on the Bleriot event and telling you how it is and why it is.
If you think these things fall off the back of a lorry and suddenly happen, you are mistaken, a lot of work, worry and money go into making them happen.
Would you have been happier if no celebrations had taken place ? if there were no celebrations going on ?
Do people not want and need to have things to look forward to - and almost for free ?
As far as I know, you are not (personally) being asked to attend, but if you have the money to spend, then please book your place.
I believe that any Councillor who takes a seat at a table will be there for a reason, not just a jolly.
Corporate bodies are paying a lot of money so the people of Dover can have a great week-end - enjoy it, that's the whole point of it.
I can understand that. I can also understand the need for a Tory MP to stiff the taxpayer for a floating duck-house for his pond, for the cleaning of which the taxpayer was stiffed. I am not implying thatthe celebration is the same thing, but the Public have their own justifiably cynical perceptions of reps, and Sue is right: just check out how it is perceieved, regardless of how it actually is. That matters.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
This is the problem we have now. The truth and good purpose mean nothing because of the perception and that is what Roger, Paul are fighting against on this issue. I can understand the £250 per seat corporate sponsorship and the potential as a result to get the ear of wealthy and influential people who could bring investment to Dover. In the current climate though, of suspicion and sleeze added to the recession, it sends out the wrong message and people's cynisism is understandable.