Guest 687- Registered: 2 Jun 2009
- Posts: 513
This meeting open to the public was held at The Ark on Monday night and enabled anyone to attend who had concerns or sought assurances from DHB. As the subject of port privatisation is fundemental to the wellbeing of Dover it would be expected that the peoples representatives(councillors)would have swelled the audience,not so.
There was Councillor Julie Rook representing KCC, Nigel Collor DDC and a chap from Deal Town Council but not one Dover Town Councillor or District Councillor apart from Nigel and Julie, but you can bet when the photo opportunities are there at rallies opposing privatisation, the flag waving Labour representatives will be to the fore, but as they didn't attend the meeting they will be as usual in their etherial state of ill informed bliss.
The MP Charlie Elphicke wasn't able to attend but was ably represented by both Julie and Nigel with regard to the concerns of privatisation.
Were UKIP there Ken?
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
When you refer to UKIp don't you really mean.."was Vic in attendance?.."
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Well not really Marek. Ken's posting was more about party's and Vic isn't the only UKIP person around Dover.
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
You're telling me there's more than one party member of UKIP...well I never would have believed it.
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Please will you all read my post called Well,Well, Well it is all about that meeting and "Yes" I was there and as I am the dover chairman of UKIP it is right to say UKIP was there unlike the other partys leaders and no blues new MP.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
people have now wised up to the harbour board with their pointless meetings and hollow promises.
do you really think they will listen genuinely to anyone, whether or not they are elected representatives?
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
That does not matter Howard if they do or not but by going and geting up and having your say it does show how you feel about it all,and later on you can always say "Well I done my best to try and stop it."
But some of us might not want to stop it Vic. Sometimes progress comes at a price.
Guest 673- Registered: 16 Jun 2008
- Posts: 1,388
QUOTE: "The MP Charlie Elphicke wasn't able to attend but was ably represented by both Julie and Nigel with regard to the concerns of privatisation." UNQUOTE
Bit surprised to learn this as I would have imagined both Julie and Nigel to be enthusiastic supporters of privatisation, obviously not.
As Charlie is supposed to be adamantly opposed to privatisation, or at least he repeatedly said that he was during the election campaign, it would have been a bit difficult for Julie and Nigel to ably represent him had they not also been opposed to privatisation.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Ed they were not there to represent him in anyway Cllr Collor did get up ,but did not say he was there to represent his own MP or party,just put his point over about the lorrys and that was all.
All blah blah blah. Why doesn't someone email Charlie and ask him?
I regret that at short notice I was required at a DTC duty with the Lord Warden in Margate. I learned a lot that evening - even about things happening in Dover and how we were viewed by others. We discussed the dunkirk functions and today I went to Calais as stated elsewhere.
Having attended every port consultative meeting and well aware of how these Annual meetings are conducted as PR exercises, I, like Charlie, no doubt thought that my time was best served doing what I did.
I dont expect to have learned any more than I know by my regular meetings with DHB. What is very important is to get involved on many levels and in the past few weeks I am learning so much more about these machinations as i am sure our MP is and the most effective influence isn't always in Public Meetings like this but in discussing issues with those that count.
But David, some just like to be in the puiblic eye and on their feet at every opportunity, whether it is a useful way of utilising their time or not. Therefore the meetings do at least serve a purpose or meet a demand.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
I take it Sid you mean myself, well how wrong you are yet again.
Time after time I tell myself pack it in Vic nobody cares in what you say or do, and at the age of 68years just sit back and let them get on with it.But I can not do it I must keep trying and doing what i think is right for a town I have lived in all my life I have seen the good years in Dover and now the not so good years but will not give up yet.I am still trying to put events on in the town which might happen or might not.We still have alot of good folk and a hell lot of very good young and old groups that do alot of good for the Town and good schools,so it is still worth fighting for.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
just do your best vic, dover would be the poorer without your drive.
Guest 687- Registered: 2 Jun 2009
- Posts: 513
Apologies to Vic for omitting him, but in my defence he didn't introduce himself as the UKIP candidate. He merely mentioned his name and then paused for effect. One item of interest announced at the meeting was the proposed £45 million investment within the docks to create more space for truck parking which will ease the egress into them. This will mean for example that trucks will still be access the docks for sailings on P&O and Norfolk Line should Seafrance not be sailing, something not possible at the moment as a build up of trucks quickly fouls up the system and Townwall Street.
The reason given for privatisation was it was the only way to raise the many millions required to to build the projected new Western Docks. A project that I personally believe would propel Dover to become the Port of choice of importers and exporters alike, as believe it or not we have the best road links of all UK ports. Those who raise Operation Stack as a drawback should see access roads to other ports during inclement weather or industrial action.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Mr Tranter they also said that they could raise the 400million without selling the port it would just take longer to do it.
Guest 687- Registered: 2 Jun 2009
- Posts: 513
They did indeed Vic, but the quicker the money is raised the quicker Dover will feel the economic benefit. I am not advocating or supporting privatisation but live in hope that a means of raising the investment needed can be found.
Unregistered User
Did they say at the meeting where the parking for 300 vehicles would actually be? the Eastern Docks seems to be full so will it be at the Western Docks?