Guest 687- Registered: 2 Jun 2009
- Posts: 513
Looking at the arial view of the Eastern Docks shown to us, it would mean the demolition of many of the redundent buildings within the docks plus the relocation of some staff and services in other buildings.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Yes they did Sir by moving things about in both the Eastern and Western docks they can do it ,I have the plans how they are going to do it, later I will put them on the forum.
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
Just for clarity's sake, Ken, how can you 'egress into' something? Shome mishtake, shurely?
True friends stab you in the front.
Egress? I thought they were young birds? Yesh?
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
True friends stab you in the front.
Unregistered User
There is a lot of room at the Hoverport and the Town Yard area that could be put to use for parking without that much expense.
MRP, Pay & Display of course, and not forgetting the lurking Parking Warden (can't remember the fancy title). I can here the cash register limbering up already.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
It is sad you have decided to ATTACK the labourt town cl;lrs yet don't mention the Indy alliance party on the same council.
Total biased view very sad.
This is after you keep telling me your realy a socialist?
all very baffling
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Ken, a socialist? he has seen the light and the wisdom of the right!!
Keith - you never did explain who the Labour rebels are:
The minority (4) Labour Town councillors who opposed our excellent mayor and even had the poor grace (to put it as kindly as possible) to vote against a vote of thank to her.
The larger number of Labour Councillors who voted for our Mayor.
It would be strange indeed if the rebels you refer to are the majority....
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
much as i like ken, he seems to have deluded himself and changes parties like the rest of us change our under crackers.
i seem to remember you saying(when blues defected to the red) that they were mainly under achievers that had a chip on their shoulder, words to that effect.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
You know what they say Howard - if you are young and not a socialist then you have no heart (I clearly was heartless!....) But when you are older and not a Tory then you have no head.... Ken is of an age when he uses his head.... Those who go the other way though, well they are very dodgy characters indeed, losing their heads....
As has often been pointed out to Labour supporters, the Indies are NOT a party but a group of like minded individuals sharing the cost of getting elected.
Unlike the Labour group who bow down and/or cower at every missive despatched from Coombe Valley Road, there is no Whip opration or central directive for the Indies.
I fail to understand Keith why you and others keep beating this old drum. Better to get the collapsing Labour house in order before throwing useless stones at every one else methinks.
Brian Dixon![Brian Dixon](/assets/images/users/avatars/681.jpg)
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
i think that ken should go back to grass roots and start delivering milk up coome vally again.
I am happy to assert that our Ken has never taken grass, or weed, or any other substance that may be considered a root object.
Guest 687- Registered: 2 Jun 2009
- Posts: 513
Andy you are right to correct me, egress actually means the opposite to what I meant so thats me out of your scrabble league. Though it does mean I am never to old to learn, hence my defection to the party best suited to govern.
Keith your constant recycling of old forgotten conversations is on a par with those who constantly recycle Margaret Thatcher as the reason for all ills, get a life.
Brian, happy days but I no longer have the stamina required to satisfy all those customers.
I thought this was about DHB !
well, last night I once more caught up on Monday by attending the same presentation by Tim W but in a more select audience of the Castle Forum with Nigel. Here we learnt little more but at least I know what I don't know and Tim fielded a few questions from myself and the floor. I told him that my personal view was that I was supportive of t2 but didnt want to lose the Towns assets in a giveaway and was concerned not only for Dovers but also for the Countrys security.
I also complimented him and the DHB on their polished presentations but remained a cynical Dovorian
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
Tim Wonnacott? Been watching Bargain Hunt instead of working, David?
True friends stab you in the front.
Guest 687- Registered: 2 Jun 2009
- Posts: 513
David like you I am fully supportive of T2, but do you get the impression that there only 2 ways of financing it, privatisation or saving for many years and perhaps missing the boat(so to speak)?
Surely there must be other ways to raise the finance which may or may not involve a law change. I await yours and others response to this.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Not DHB again. If I can be bothered I'll post later. You might like to note (or not) my report on privatization of DHB which was on the front of the Dover Express and the East Kent Mercury some time in the early eighties.
I'm all for it.
Too late (and possibly too cheap?).
Why the community of Dover should have one penny piece out of it I just don't know.
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
I remember you harping on about the privatisation of DHB in the eighties it was treated with the same disregard as my submission to Colin Menchip that there should be an immigration tax on overseas visitors,similar to the ones operated in US and Australia,and that visas and HO extensions should be paid for by set fees also submitted circa 1982 but now surprise surprise accepted and in operation!!
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)