I am posting below the email I wrote to Natalie Elphicke, our MP, which she has chosen not to reply to, to date. My husband also sent an email to Mr Aziz at DDC on April 26th, highlighting these matters again, to date we have had no reply to our questions. Both Natalie Elphicke and Mr Aziz have been kept notified of these matters concerning the Ramyar public hand car wash for over the last year.
We are one quarter into the 21st century, not stuck in the 70's! The recorded evidence of foul language, verbal sexual inferences and suggestive actions towards me as a woman made by Mr Pishtiwan Karim of RAMYAR HAND CAR WASH Maison Dieu Road Dover should not have to be endured by me or, in fact, by any woman in 2021.
Please note the full 4 minutes record of this I have not included here because of the number of expletives it contains, but the video in its entirety is now in the hands of the police.
These actions by a man towards a woman are not acceptable now and nor should they have been before, and Natalie Elphicke’s silence on this matter not just as an MP but as a woman speaks volumes!
Unfortunately both their lack of responses to what I and my husband have been subjected to for over a year sums up why Dover is the way it is. The majority of people in Dover are good people, and the town has been blessed with world class historical tourist attractions other towns would kill for, but this town keeps falling further down the rabbit hole, with nobody competent enough in power to catch it. What is wrong with Dover is the absolute incompetence and indifference shown by those elected and employed by DDC to do what they are there for - i.e. to safeguard its residents’ mental and physical wellbeing, make our town a better place to live in and protect and enhance our historical assets and our conservation areas for future generations. These are just a few of the things our elected representatives and DDC council officers are charged with, none of which they get right. The evidence is plain to see all around us, sadly.
From: Julia Stavrietsky
Sent: 27 April 2021 12:45
To: ELPHICKE, Natalie <natalie.elphicke.mp@parliament.uk>; Mrs Natalie Elphicke OBE MP <office.natalie.elphicke.mp@parliament.uk>
Subject: Request to Dover MP to intervene in sexual harassment against a female constituent
Dear Natalie Elphicke MP,
I am writing this letter to you not only as my MP but as a woman.
As you know full well we have been under a virtual siege in our home, the Grade Two Star listed Castle Hill House, Dover, on and off for the past year due to being repeatedly exposed to verbal sexual harassment and expletives being shouted at me and my husband, eggs being thrown at our front door and our front door being spat on repeatedly, and recently the damage to the physical fabric of the building by having a scrap car wedged into the wall. All things intended to intimidate us and stop us gathering evidence that the car wash in question is operating totally outside its planning as granted.
To stop us pointing out to DDC its failings towards us as residents by way of DDC allowing the Public Hand Car Wash known as Ramyar Hand Car Wash on the Former Ferry Approach Filling Station site in Maison Dieu Road Dover to operate in breach daily of all 7 conditions of planning related to operating a business on the said site.
This campaign against us has been orchestrated by the car wash operator Mr Pishtiwan Karim who is also the main culprit in the verbal sexual harassment and the purveyor of repeated expletives towards me and my husband (please see video link below) as well as the instigator of knowingly deliberate breaches of all conditions of planning related to the said site’s daily operation.
In fact your silence now in the face of the repeated verbal sexual abuse I have received is quite staggering, your silence I believe in many people’s eyes is tantamount to condoning the sexual abuse and harassment I have had to take, FOR GOD SAKE, I EVEN HAD A FRIEND OF MR PISHTIWAN KARIM STAND OUTSIDE MY WINDOW AND FLASH ME IN FRONT OF MR P. KARIM & HIS EMPLOYEES ALL CHEERING HIM ON.
I watched a very interesting interview with Hannah Reid of the band LONDON GRAMMAR the other night, where she said, and I quote, “
The environment that women live in and the threat we live with every day, the violence against women is NORMALISED, but it should not be”, especially in the aftermath of Sarah Everard’s murder. This struck a very deep cord with me. I too am not going stay quiet about this and what I see as your failings towards me firstly as a woman and then your failings to me as my MP, you, like DDC, are failing to protect mine and my husband’s right of residential amenity and many other things you as an MP and DDC as a council are charged with protecting, we as residents are not just cash cows to pay your and DDC’s wages.
You and DDC have also to date totally failed to protect the fabric and setting of Castle Hill House and the Castle Conservation Area from denigration caused by a Public Hand Car wash being allowed to operate on the said site totally unfettered of planning constrains, not enforced by DDC to date.
If you ask any fair and reasonable thinking person in Dover, has the Ramyar Car Wash operation and the storing of smashed up vehicles enhanced Castle Hill House or the Castle Conservation Area? You will get a
I hope after this letter you will take the harassment I endure on a near daily basis seriously, along with the denigration of Castle Hill House and the Castle Conservation Area.
I also hope finally you will get involved and help stop what is happening daily on the Ramyar Car Wash site once and for all.
Julia Stavrietsky
Do good and throw it in the sea...