Reginald Barrington- Location: Dover
- Registered: 17 Dec 2014
- Posts: 3,235
A few of my favourite pieces from Dovers art collection:
Dover castle and the Rice mansions c1796
Buckland Bridge 1839
William Burgess
Dover Castle from The Alkham Valley
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Arte et Marte
Reginald Barrington- Location: Dover
- Registered: 17 Dec 2014
- Posts: 3,235
And a few more:
Oostende boat leaving Dover 1957
Norman Wilkinson
Fishing vessels off the coast end 19th c
British (English) School
White Cliffs Dover
H C Goodwin
Link to the full collection :
Would be great to see an exhibition of the full collection at some time, Paul W?
Paul M, howard mcsweeney1 and Jan Higgins like this
Arte et Marte
Jan Higgins- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,821
Thank you for that Reginald, most of them locked away and never seen, a great shame and what a waste.
Bob Whysman and howard mcsweeney1 like this
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
When I was on the town council years ago I did try to get the town council to sell them off or put them out on show,there is a bout 400 art works locked away never to be seen .But I was told some were owned by the D.D.C. and some by the ,DTC, and they can not agree with each other .I said they were not owed by the councils because they are owed by the public of Dover and they have no right to keep them under lock and key.
Guest 1735, howard mcsweeney1, Reginald Barrington and
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Guest 1735, howard mcsweeney1, Reginald Barrington and Judith Roberts like this
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Also not only that there are Gold and glass worth many £1000s of pounds,infact when I was on the council we found out that many years ago there was some glass wear nicked and sold overseas ,it was like James Bond we put a agent on the case and it was found after along time,but the person who had it also paid out alot of cash for it .And we was told we could buy it back and I do not know if that ever happen in the end.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
Some of the pictures do see the light of day.When I was Chairman I had one or two beautiful works of art in the Chairmans Office.I liked the one taking in the old water works building.The museum do rotate the pictures.I liked one of two ladies sitting on French beach wearing delightful hats .When I was told to remove it and rehang It cost would £400 I had to say no spending that kind of public money was not on.Instead I bought a mirror from Fenwicks which I now have in my lounge.Please note paid for out of my own money.
I always argued works of art should not be sold .They adorn some of the offices At DDC .I think it would be good to have an art display in the Town Hall.The DTC do have some pictures.
But never ever sell them .
It's like the original DDC chain of office sold off and now the current chairman wear a more simple one worth far less than the ones worn by the Mayors.Shall we sell these off!,
howard mcsweeney1 likes this
Jan Higgins- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,821
Sitting in offices is not the same as being on public display for everyone to see.
Some of those paintings could easily be sold off, after all long past dignitaries are only really of interest to historians or their families, surely a computer image would do.
Bob Whysman likes this
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
Don't agree with you on this Jan.When investors visit the Council Offices they are reminded that we do hold some lovely works of art. When I held office I invited quite. a few members of the public into the Chairmans Office .Once sold the money just goes.
I suppose one day the houses of parliament will go and MP will meet in some modern work of art.
Have you ever visited Harbour house.Maybe thy could sell their priceless objects.No we need to hold on to History.I was so glad when our Musuem was restored It houses the Bronze Age Boat not going to sell that are we or indeed the RomanPainted House.
I agree we should hold an art exhibition but some of those pictures are very delicate .
Reginald Barrington likes this
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
I like the picture of the view of the Castle from Alkham Valley.I however chose the Waterworks picture.i had a couple of pictures with flowers s I'm a flowery person.Male Chairman tended to have pictures of boats.
Reginald Barrington- Location: Dover
- Registered: 17 Dec 2014
- Posts: 3,235
These two Sue?
Envious Glances
Charles Wynne Nicholls
The Waterworks High Reservoir.
C S Harp
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Arte et Marte
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
Yes Reg they are the ones .I was so upset that I could not have the hat pictur well I could have but £400 was a lot of money .The waterworks picture look at the detail of the table setting.I had the one big party in the Town Hall for the Queens Diamond Jubliee but from then on I held small gatherings in The Chairmans Office.When Graham Tuthill retired and to thank members of the British LegionJust a couple of examples .Sorry Howard did not get round to you.These small events were less costly than say Mayor Making.I always paid for the flowers which I arranged and I provides table cloths and the China which belonged to me .I don't know what the current Chairman does but the Male Chairman did not have tea parties but more formal things in the Town Hall .
Budgets became more tight.Not cheap holding that office all those hats cost money?
Hope you agree both pictures lovely . thank you for showing them .
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
When they were painted the person done it so they could be sold and put on show NOT locked away where only a few see them from time to time.
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Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
From some comments received perhaps Dover should have an art gallery and where would the money come to finance it.If the pictures were sold they would be bought by some one and local people would never see them.I have already stated the Musuem rotate the pictures and some hang in the a Town Hall.There are not so many pictures as you might think some are not in mint sure if the Musuem had more money in grants etc we would have the displays changed more often I recall the idea of selling picture came up once before some Councillors thought we would make millions.??
Bob Whysman- Registered: 23 Aug 2013
- Posts: 1,934
Jan Higgins wrote:Thank you for that Reginald, most of them locked away and never seen, a great shame and what a waste.
It really is a shame that locking up works of art and paying large sums of money for insurance is preferred than sharing them with the those that paid for them.
Sue says that 'some are not in mint condition' which beggars the question why public money should be used in the future if the general public are prevented from enjoying the benefits of them........visually ( or financially), if they were sold.
I think Jan's idea of having digital images of the 'Dignitaries' is a great idea......much easier to delete than vote out of office!
If no copyright restrictions are in place for the pictures published on here Sue, why not lift them and print your own copies of the one's that interest you. They are good images and would tolerate an enlargement too.
Do nothing and nothing happens.
Guest 1338- Registered: 9 Sep 2014
- Posts: 79
why are they not on show for the public to view ? it could be a source of income.
Bob Whysman and Guest 1767 like this
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
And the gold and glass wear there was about 400 art works so we was told at the time ,as I said should be sold off but must not go outside the UK.If I was one of the painters I would be very upset to know my painting s were going to be locked away in some dark room and only come out just to be looked at by the lucky few, but some have not come out for many years, if at all.I have been reading a very good book by David Leach called the streets of Dover in that book there are some photos of Dover dating back well over 100yrs and they are very good and must say I have never seen the real ones.
and the public are still paying for them to be looked after etc.
Guest 1338 and Guest 1735 like this
Guest 1735- Registered: 26 Apr 2016
- Posts: 90
Im disgusted that we have these treasures which will be maintained by the CT money and yet its been decided that the public shouldnt see them,who makes up these daft rules & why are so called officials allowed to have them hanging in their offices ?,Why not have them on exhibition in the Town hall though out summer for a small fee .DDC or DTC have NO right to keep these treasures which belong to Dover and its ppl hidden away ,They really get above themselves at times and need to remember who their real bosses are
Guest 1338 likes this
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
You are saying the same as I said years ago when I was on the town council and you are right they are owed by the public of the town and they are the ones who should see them,all of them.
Paul Watkins- Location: Dover
- Registered: 9 Nov 2011
- Posts: 2,226
I'm very happy for Dover's great art collection to be prominently displayed.
Apart from the Museum I don't know where a proper display area could be made available.
We'll look further into how this could be achieved.
Co - sponsorship will probably be required.
Judith Roberts, Jan Higgins, Guest 1338 and
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Judith Roberts, Jan Higgins, Guest 1338, howard mcsweeney1, Reginald Barrington and Guest 1735 like this
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Well said Mr Watkins I was hoping you would pick up on it. Thank you.Thank you all for your remarks on my post,s it was Mr Barrington who got this one off the ground and also needs our thanks.
Judith Roberts and Guest 1338 like this