But no alas not in price. Did you know..did you know, and not a lot of people know this..that Easter Eggs will have shrunk chocolate-wise this year by 38%. Yes 38% - Outrageous I hear you shreik!
Well yes. Instead of gorging over there on the sofa in your Easter Sunday string vest, stuffing your gob with the one highly decorated solitary egg, you will now have to buy two eggsss to get the same level of satisfaction. Well you dont want to be shortchanged on your eggy chocolate intake do you? If you only get one egg, you will be shortchanged on chocolate by the aforementioned 38%. Catastrophe my friend ! Not good for the chocaholic addiction. Not good for the indulgence.
Women of course love their eggs. So if you hand them a smaller egg this year, even though you will still have paid the same for the blasted thing, you will be sent to the mangey oul doghouse...so here's the thing, you will just have to spend more on more eggs. Otherwise you will be considered a miserable cheeeeepskate. Not good at all if you want to maintain a harmonious household.
Ah though...where once you might have compensated yourself by thinking that this increase spend was at least going straight into the British economy, ah not now alas, you havent got that satisfaction any longer, because all chocolate is now in the hands of foreigners, Americans, Swiss, Belgians..blasted foreigners are everywhere. Its enough to make you gorge so it is....on chocolate !!