DT1! I call her by her name; Mrs. Windsor. I do not deny her the right to be a British citizen, or any of her descendents, but I do not recognise her as head of this, that and the other! And never will! We can all see for ourselves what "head of the church" led to! Churches being sold of to speculation, and flats built! the vast majority of British people led to be non-religious! the total opposite of "defender of the faith"! Only Jesus can be Leader of the Church!
Mrs. Windsor and the pope are of the same calibre: heads of the "church"! My foot! This is a matter of Faith, and no-one will bully me out of it! I recognise Parliament, and believe in Democracy. If we get a gov. which I do not agree with, it will be because the People voted for it. This legitimises gov., which I still recognise, as it is the wish of the democtraric British majority. But Mrs. Windsor? Never!