Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
I have just got back in from the meeting, I did have my say as I said I would it did not go down well with some, and the chairman aske the Candidates to go out of the hall till I returned to my seat.I was and still not very happy about it all,they said if I did not return to my seat they would call the police. I done what was asked of me and the rest of the meeting went off well. THANK YOU. All I done was to make a stand on what I think is right.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
post 13 on this thread says it all.
good on yer as the aussies say.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
I always say what i am feeling and what I think is right and that is what I done,it was not done to get my name in the press as some will think, I love the U.K and my town and will fight till i drop to save both of them.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
Did anyone else attend this meeting .?
Didn't see the point Sue. I saw Gwyn interviewed on tv and couldn't beleive the lies he told about immigration. That was enough to put me off listening to an evening of them.
Every single government, to my sure knowledge, has lied about immigration for the past forty years.
The 1968 Commonwealth Immigants Act and the 1971 Immigration Act were supposed to be the end of large scale immigration into the United Kingdom.
At present best estimates put the number of illegal immigrants as between 600,000 and 1,000,000 (i.e. at least 1% of the total population). This figure does not include the children born to foreign nationals who are illegally in the U.K.
Included are 250,000 failed asylum seekers who have no right to be here, whose cases have been considered by the Home Office.
(fortunately most asylum seekers can not get as far as Dover/Heathrow to persue their claim otherwise we would be admitting literally hundreds of millions of people who fulfil the criteria as set out in the 1951 Act).
The only serious way to sort this out is to withdraw all benefits for anyone not legally in the UK. Health, Housing, Schooling etc etc and to do that we need an identifier for who is legally in the UK i.e. an ID card which Lib and Con are against.
Plus we need a bit of bottle when it comes to removal and to forget the bleeding heart liberals who protest because 'they were doing so well in school','he's such a good worker','the family are part of the whole community' and the rest of the crap.
Unregistered User
I am disappointed Vic. I certainly enjoyed sharing a platform with you.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
vic always livens up an election meeting, my spy tells me that the yellow candidate went down well.
was anyone else from the forum at the meeting?
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Thank you for saying that Paul but there is always next time,please log into Dover UKIP Candidate News in Kent and you can see the video of last nights meeting or the part I was in.I told you Paul to carry on you are alot better talker than who your party have this time round, again it all helps me,last night they were all bad,and so so boring not like it was in the old days when the Town hall was full and evey one shouting from the floor.
Bob, point accepted about governments, but Gwyn represents (allegedly) the place where it all kicked off. To pretend it didn't happen and that Labour has a great immigration policy is two-faced in the extreme. It bothers me not if the MP for Abergavenny (didn't he play for West Ham?) makes up a story as he/she would be too far from the kernel of the problem.
Sid, it did not 'kick off' here.
The increase in immigration has not come from Calais in the main but from long haul flights.
Guest 691- Registered: 24 Oct 2009
- Posts: 45
Who was your spy, Howard?
Trying to be objective:
- Gwyn was predicatable, reasonabley good humoured, generally well recieved and he came across as someone who clearly knew his stuff. Solid all round, good comprehensive knowledge on every subject raised.
- Charlie came across as authoritative and like Gwyn seemed to have confidence in his arguments. His reception was more split - he either got grumbles or rounds of applause. He ate humble pie on the issue of port privatisation and won kudos for it. Charlie did particularly well when extolling the virtues of faith (but perhaps note the audience!) and protecting marriage.
- John was very weak in most areas. His opening gambit was disconnected and incoherent (and you can prepare this beforehand), but people listened politely. When asked questions about Dover he clearly floundered (coz he ain't from around here) but he did better when talking about the national policies and the European Union. On moral issues he had little to add but on each occasion he was called last.
No doubt Vic will disagree on the Europe thing, but the audience did seem majority pro European. Some complained about losing sovereignty, but other audience members shouted them down.
In all, an enjoyable event for hacks, but ultimately unlikely to win over any floating voters.
"In this world there are 10 sorts of people - those that understand binary and those that don't."
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
thanks for your report matthew, i will have my spy taken out and shot.
Sorry about your exclusion Vic. I do not support your party but I support strongly your right to represent it and it's policies to the people. It's a shame that Mr Prosser allegedly prevented it by throwing his toys out of the pram. I also feel strongly that only people who live and work in an area should represent it. If we vote in the third candidate that is yet someone else who will be able to claim for second homes, etc.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Thank you for that Diana,I would like to point out that Mr Prosser would not sit with the B,N.P he said like the others they were happy to have me siting with them just like last time,As you know in my UKIP BLOG I have said if you stand for MP in a Constituency you should live in it and as we know the LIB/DEM Candidate does not,,but what I do know I am the only real Dover Candidate standing in this Election,and all my family on my dads side come from ST Margaret,s Bay ,and I do spend alot of time beween Dover the Bay and DEAL..
Good summation Matt, thanks.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Vic - please stop spreading lies about Charlie's wife and unfounded inuendo.
she is not a candidate, she is in this Constituency helping with Charlie's campaign I have seen her and been with her. Charlie is local and has long standing family in this part of the world.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Thank you for that Barry it was only what I was told,I
have edited it out,Not having a good day am I. I will be ex carefull over the next few days
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
fair enough Vic!